Trio "Non Solo Jazz" Home Page

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Donatella Azzarelli
Carlo Buongiovanni
Guyenne Vinkenborg
Azzarelli flute
Buongiovanni piano
Vinkenborg oboe

Introduce the trio:

Italian versionClick for Italian version Group Non Solo Jazz

Trio's repertory consists of  swing era jazz standards , ragtime, film tracks and original compositions.  It is very suitable for acoustic situations like theaters, auditorium, concert halls, libraries, as for stage situations. All the arrangements are by the same musicians. 

Some songs from the repertory:

The Entertainer - Maple Leaf Rag - Pineapple Rag (Scott Joplin),  The Mission - Gabriel's oboe (Ennio Morricone), Whispering (Livingstone),  The Man I love (G.Gershwin), Take Five (P.Desmond), Autumn Leaves (Kosma),  Sophisticated Lady (Duke Ellington), E se Domani (G.Rossi) 

The musicians:

Donatella Azzarelli - Flute 

Guyenne Vinkenborg - Oboe 

Carlo Buongiovanni - Piano

Click on any name for musician's info

Some pictures of the trio

Trio in concert
Trio on stage

Trio "Non solo Jazz" playing in one small concert hall

Trio playing on stage 


The musicians:

Donatella Azzarelli is qualified in flute at the Conservatorio G.Verdi di Milano, she is also arranger, bands  and young musician's groups conductor. She  also works in the music therapy field, and has a strong  activity playing in concerts as first flute player, and teaching. She also works in collaboration with the Paganelli foundation.

Guyenne Vinkenborg is a dutch girl grown in Indonesia, she played the recorder till the age of eight, doing music in family togheter with her sisters as well as playing in many concerts. Very fond of  the oboe's sound she started the career studying this instrument and she plays many kind of music in many groups, from classic, musicals, jazz. Recently she started to collaborate to LeMasque group

Carlo Buongiovanni plays "ragtime" from a long time now,  as well as to show interest in many other kind of  music from classic, electronics, new age  and composition. Besides the trio he plays piano and keyboards in LeMasque  group recording  many works with. He collaborates also to the Non Solo Arte  Vignate's local magazine in the section dedicated to music.


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Scenes from Italy, summer 1999

Images from Italy 2000-Our West Virginia Friends

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is under continuos improvement, so if you'd like to know more of us, next concerts, other pictures, press, info on the instruments oboe, piano and flute and listen audio clips...come back to visit us!!!

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