There's plenty of them out there.  Some very popular yet
not very effective and others somewhat more obscure, yet
find exactly what your looking for.  A cool feature of my ISP is
MegaSearch which allows me to access nine engines from one page.
 (Below are the nine and two more that I've been using.)
Excite: This one is on my personal tool bar.  It has a "personalize
 this page" option/ feature which lets you edit it to give you top news
stories, local weather forecasts, horoscopes, sports news and even
your local t.v. listings.  (Hey! Isn't a t.v. that box that makes noise in the
background all the time?  It's kinda like a monitor, right?)
YahooAlta Vista Lycos InfoSeek Webcrawler
Looksmart:  Haven't really used this one much.  But it allows you to
personalize it with local information as well, although all the info isn't
\on one page like Excite.
HotBot:  This one was rated the most effective search engine on the
web by (which is a pretty cool site in itself - giving information
about hot and interesting things on the web, ratings on software and
hardware and, game reviews, computer tips, etc.)  HotBot is also my
personal favorite.
Savvy Search:  This is one of those search engines you don't hear much
about but it's pretty cool.  It searches multiple engines at once, gives
you integrated results.  It's a little slow but gives you the top
sites from each engine.
CyberLynk:  This is pretty cool, it lets you access 27 search engines
from one page.  (I just found this one.)  It also has white/yellow pages
and  news group listing searches.
If you are having trouble finding exactly what you need on the WWW
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