Living Clean in New Orleans Recovery Page
Welcome! :) Have a cup of coffee and stay awhile.
This page is dedicated to the addicts
who still suffer, in and out of the rooms of
Narcotics Anonymous. Before you begin
browsing this page, please join me in a
moment of silence for the addict who was
born today and the addict who died today,
followed by:
(It will take the Serenity Prayer about 1 min to load once you've clicked on it)
The Serenity Prayer
You can bookmark this page by pressing Ctrl + D.
Thank you! :)
(Stained Glass by First Class Glass
recovery, clarity and beauty - a perfect mix!)
If you found your way to this page... accident
...because you are curious
...because you or someone you love has a
problem with the disease of addiction in any form
...because you are in recovery and looking for
experience, strength and hope,
I hope you find what you need, as I did.
Have you ever wondered...
Am I an addict?
Truly Blessed by a Miracle
"Once and addict, always an addict"
It's a MYTH and the myth is
I know this to be true because freedom from active addiction
has been mine since September of 1990. 100% drug free!!!
I humbly admit that this is not an accomplishment, but rather
a gift...a gift that has been graciously afforded me by:
The Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous
I am grateful to be a member of NA's worldwide fellowship.
They have given me and taught me acceptance, humility and
the joy of unconditional love. For those gifts I am eternally
grateful to my Higher Power, whom I choose to call God. It
was through NA that I have realized a deeper relationship with
my Heavenly Father, which keeps the disease of addiction at
bay...for day at a time.
Click on the above image to read "The Medallion" poem
Recovery Prayers
Recovery Resources
Recovery sites abound on the WWW, click below for my favorites.
A tribute to my sponsor & friend, Debbie W.
My sponsor, Debbie, showed me that sponsorship is a rich exchange
between two addicts. She taught me that a sponsor is not my mother, my
therapist, counselor, keeper, boss, etc. but my friend and my sister in recovery.
Butterflies for Debbie
Thank you, Debbie for being so generous with your time and love.
Just like my recovery, this page is a work in progress.
So, keep coming back y'all.
Comments, questions, suggestions, broken links?
Thank you for blessing my site with your presence.
Please bless me with knowledge of your visit.
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Living Clean in New Orleans
or click
to go to the complete sites "Launch Pad"
This site is not endorsed or sanctioned by WSO or any other service
committee of Narcotics Anonymous. While the opinions expressed
may reflect the essence of the spirit of N.A., they are purely my own
and not that of Narcotics Anonymous, in part or as a whole.
This site was created with love with these purposes in mind:
(1) To carry the message to the addict who still suffers
(2) To provide access to information for families/friends of
those in the grip of the disease of addiction.
(3) To promote unity in the cyber-recovering community.
On a more personal note:
(4) To remember what it was like, what happened and to
remember to maintain an attitude of gratitude for what
it is like now.
(5) To share my experience, strength and hope.
I hope these pages adequately convey the heartfelt love I have for my N.A. family
and my gratitude for the gifts that have been afforded me through recovery.
Keep coming back...we need you...and IT WORKS!
The beautiful border set designed by
Moyra's Web Jewels
Animated angel graphic by
Lena Liu
Headers and buttons courtesy of
This page created with love in recovery and Netscape Communicator
Humble Member
This is a wonderful award that I have been blessed with for this page.
Thank you, Adrian!
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Last updated
August 20, 1998