Let the good times roll !!!!!! Hi Cherie, how you be babe, meet me in the ladder room!  Love ya, hun!Backgammon and The ZONE....head to head competition!  You''ve played the rest, now play the BEST...me!  heh heh :^DHaving fun yet?  Hey, quit playing around and go load The Zone!Hi, Jaz!  How are you love?  Hope you're feeling better.
Zone game categories:  action, arcade, cards, strategy, board and simulations.
Backgammon and The Zone
Tblessed is my nick in the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone.
You can come into the Zone for a friendly game or if you are
into serious competition, you can sign up on the Burbs Ladder,
where you can pit your skill against players from all over the globe.
Off line I use MVP Backgammon to practice.  Although it's
shareware, I find it challenging and fun and the price is fair.
Get further info and download it by clicking below.
MVP Strategy Games Page w/review and download for MVP Backgammon!
 Scrabble in the Zone  You can find me playing Scrabble with my bestfriend,
Eve_of_Trump in The Zone Scrabble Rooms.  We welcome other players to
join us in exercising the mind, learning new words and laughing out loud when
we play phony words.
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc.
Download the Zone via the logo below.
Hope to see you there!
In 1997 I was introduced to the hottest RPG on the market to date!
Blizzard Entertainments Diablo Review and Demo Download Site
If you don't know what Diablo is, click on the logo above for an
introduction made by Blizzard Entertainment, creators of Diablo.
If you have already experienced the thrill of Diablo, and are ready
to move on to more thrills, the new Diablo Expansion Pack is here!
Let HELLFIRE take you deeper into Diablo.  See it and download demo at Sierra Online.
Be scared.....be very scared!
I tried Hellfire once but I ventured into Diablo multi-player action on
battle.net.  You can find me on battle.net cruising the depths of Hell
under the moniker of Vixen~NoS.  NoS stands for Nation of Saints,
which is a totally legit Diablo Guild of which I am a member.
If you would like to know more about Diablo/Nation of Saints/Battle.net,
  visit the truly "hot" sights and sounds of my Diablo Site:
Diablo is a trademark.  All rights reserved. 1996 Blizzard Entertainment®
YDKJ is sort of a twisted "Jeopardy" like game.  You can buy the CD or
you can play over the net.  This game is sure to keep you in stitches and
will truly prove to you that "You Don't Know Jack".  Below is a peek of
a sample question.
Don't delay Play today
You Don't Know Jack® is a registered trademark
© Berkeley Systems & Jellyvision 1998
Acrophobia is a game based on composing witty, creative phrases
for acronyms for a displayed acronym in various categories.
Sounds simple enough, however,
you compete with a room full of other acrophobes and you are given
only 60 seconds to accomplish this.  The result is hours of fun.  Be
very careful, this game can be highly addictive.  Below is a sample
Composition Round.
Don't delay Play today
 © Copyright 1998. Acrophobia, Bezerk, YOU DON'T KNOW JACK
and their respective logos are service marks of Berkeley Systems, Inc.
 Comments, Questions, Suggestions?
Comments or Suggestions? Email me :^D
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Proud member
August 4, 1998.