Welcome traveler, from Vixen~NoS
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Nation of Saints 100% Legit Diablo Guild
Hallowed Hall
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Site Directory
What is Diablo?      What is Nation of Saints?    Who are the Nation of Saints Members?
Diablo Exocet Font     Images:  Ogden's Tavern Interior     Arial of Tristram    Guild Screenshots
The Music of Diablo     Shining Saint Award     Diablo/Battle.net Cheat Page
Are you playing Way Too Much Diablo?     Level Up Calculations
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a tribute to the bane of Diablo's existence:
Nation of Saints
A totally legit Diablo Guild dedicated to
playing Diablo the way it was meant to be
played...with honor & camaraderie!
If you are interested in joining our ranks
click on the image below.
This page is best viewed with the Exocet/Diablo Font.  If the text above the bar
does not appear like the text on the button below, click on the button to download
the zip file.  Unzip the file to your Window's/Font directory.  You will be surprised
by the difference it makes in the appearance of this page.  Also, it's the font of
choice on most Diablo pages.
Diablo Font
1)  Many images on this page are links to other sites.  To preview the destination,
place cursor over the image.  2)  To obtain images on this page, right click
on the image and select "Save As"  CAUTION:  do not directly link any images
on my page.  If I change my page, which I do almost every day, lol, it will mess
up your page.  For more information on why you should not directly link images
from any web site, click on the "Think" button below.  3)  Finally, don't get lost.
Please bookmark this page and visit again.  I will be adding new features and
updating regularly!  (Gee, I didn't mean for this to be a boring tutorial!)
 Web Prestige
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FOR THE NEWBIE - for those of you who don't
know what Diablo is ~ This is how it's creator,
Blizzard Entertainment introduces Diablo:
  "Embark, if you dare, on a dark and
sinister quest that will pull you into the
very depths of Hell itself...and beyond.  This
dark role-playing adventure offers multiplayer
support, including internet play through
you can visit the site of
for the full story behind diablo, screenshots,
brief character descriptions, computer system
  requirements and a demo you can download.
Click on the image below to see NOS Members & Honors Page
Hail NoS Guild Members
To my Sisters of the Sightless Eye,
To my brothers:
the Warriors of Khanduras and
the Sorcerers of
the Brotherhood of Vizjerei,
Take a break from battling the demons
among the ruins of the Horadrim Monastery.
Gilliangillian is on loan from ogden's tavern & will serve you.
gpld and by the way, your gold is no good here gold
Enjoy the sights and sounds of
Vixen's NOS Hall
Vixen's NoS Hallowed Hall - really it's an interior shot of Ogden's Tavern from the CD.  Click on this image to see it full size.
Click on the image above to see a full size picture
Click on the sign post to see an arial of Tristram
earAre you jonesing for the calming music ofear
Tristram Village?
Listen to the soothing sounds of Tristram.  You
can also find all the other Diablo music here.
Make your selection below (no pun intended, heh heh).
(The Server for these Real audio clips has been experiencing
some problems lately, so if you receive an error message,
try again another time.  Thanx - Vixen~Nos May 31, '98)
(Diablo Intro)   (Tristram Village)  (Church Level)
(Catacombs)   (Caves)   (HELL!!!!!!)
 You will need to download
and install the Real Audio Player.  But it's well
worth it!  But wait,  before you click below to
go get Real Player, bookmark this page!
Get Real Audio Now!
Vixen's Gallery
click on banner above to see
Screenshots of our members
in guild sanctioned games
daimondSaint Awarddiamond
Very often an NoS Guild Member goes above and beyond the call of
duty, selflessly giving of their time and experience to aid a lower level
member.  If you would like to honor a guild member for assisting you
 submit  their name to me.  Their name and your accolades will appear
here for all to see that we're about honor and camaraderie.
August 26, 1998
Cracken is Nation of Saints former Sainted Sovereign.  When real life
became more demanding for him, he selflessly stepped down and handed
the scepter of sovereignty to another, for the good of the guild.  Cracken
has truly set the standard of what NOS is all about...honor, integrity and
camaraderie.  Thank you, Cracken~NoS for your selflessness and loyalty
to the guild.  We are honored to have you in our ranks.
Past Honorees
Vixen's Diablo/Battle.net Cheat Page
(My cheat page is finally up!!!!!!!!!!)
We ARE a totally LEGIT guild!  Therefore you
will not find on my page any cheats, hacks,
trainers or any other methods by which to
Cheating!  What's the point? !  Support the Anti Cheating Movement
Cheaters really bother you?
Visit this site - place a bounty on someone'sThank you, Cracken, for returning my ear after killing me accidentally..
Place a bounty on a pk's ear!  View the obituaries!
after a long hard day in the depths of hell
laughing is good for the soul.  For a good
laugh or two and to determine if you are
playing waaaay too much Diablo, click on
the little guy below.
101 Ways To Tell If You're Playing Waaaaay Too Much Diablo!
For some more chuckles head to:
hipster's diablo addiction support page.
So what level is your character and how many
more points before you level up?  Click on the
candle below and be enlightened!
How many more must you kill before you level up in experience? Click here.
Nation of Saints
Guild Homepage
At the NoS Website you can find the following helpful Diablo info:
Shrines, Fountains & Pools, Attribute Modifiers Page,
Battle.net buttons and commands, and Guild Member
in Action Screenshots.
Coming Attractions
Vixen's Story
More Diablo Humor
Strategies and Tips
The Best "CHEATLESS" Diablo Links
Tell me what you think so far.
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Ahhh, the coveted Eye Candy !
Sign my spell book  book  View my spell book
Mystery, Beauty and Enchantment await you at Shadow Panther and Fire Dragon's World of Mystery
This page last updated November 16, 1998
Diablo is a trademark
copyrighted 1997 to Blizzard Entertainment
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~Truly Blessed on the World Wide Web~Living Clean in New Orleans~Louisiana Lagniappe~
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