Welcome to IronMan Mike Curtis' guest book. Thank you VERY much for dropping in. I hope you enjoyed your visit here.

Frank Turnham - 10/21/00 19:05:15
My Email:fturnha1@txu.com

I was there at the Hilltop outside of Mexia, Tx. You were truly awesome. You sat down at our table during a break to eat your dinner. When through conversation you found out I blow harp, you tried to get me to play. How could I after hearing you. My father and wife were with me that night. My father passed on a few months after that. Thanks for the evening.

wm. Henning - 09/15/00 03:13:23
My Email:WH_Henning@Yahoo.com
Home is (City, ST): Clinton Twp. Mi
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: not yet
Favorite blues artist?: no one person


wm. Henning - 09/15/00 03:12:26
My Email:WH_Henning@Yahoo.com
Home is (City, ST): Clinton Twp. Mi
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: not yet


David Orvin - 09/02/00 16:34:07
My URL:http://?
My Email:davidorvin@home.com
Home is (City, ST): Nashville Tn
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: yes
Favorite blues artist?: stevie ray / delbert mc
Favorite non-blues artist?: van morrison

I sing, blow harp, play guitar and bass pedals I am semi-retired with a counseling practice in Nashville tn 615 356 6146

Choo Choo Charlie Williams - 07/17/00 21:12:50
My URL:http://www.choochoocharlie.org/
My Email:choochoocw@aol.com
Home is (City, ST): Clarksville, MD
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Not at the moment
Favorite blues artist?: Snooky Pryor
Favorite non-blues artist?: Toots Thielman

glad you are still at it. Mike. Some impressive playing on your CD. Way to go. If you ever get to DC/Balt area come and visit. I am halfway between. All the best

Bill Luneau - 07/17/00 02:03:49
My Email:adbl@mediaone.net
Home is (City, ST): Concord NH
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: yes
Favorite blues artist?: to hard a question.
Favorite sound byte?: take five

Nice playing !!!!

Marks - 05/19/00 04:15:06
My Email:mark1313@earthlink.net
Home is (City, ST): Los Angeles, CA
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Yes.
Favorite blues artist?: Little Walter, William Clarke, and Rod Piazza
Favorite non-blues artist?: Frank Sinatra
Favorite sound byte?: Juke
2nd favorite?: My Babe

Ironman, I heard you play at Smokin' Johnnies last Wednesday when you jammed with Johnny Childs -- and I really dug it. I look forward to seeing you perform again. Later... Marks.

SuGaR LiPs XoXo - 04/25/00 06:16:15
My Email:sugar_lips_xoxo@gURLmAIL.com
Home is (City, ST): City, ST
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: No way Jose.
Favorite blues artist?: Papa Smurf
Favorite non-blues artist?: Ironman!!!!
Favorite sound byte?: ROGAINE
2nd favorite?: ROGAINE

Hey Ironman, are you a supporter of the product you endorse? ;) SuGaR LiPs XoXo

Bill Abercrombie - 04/11/00 22:55:06
My Email:billabercrombie@hotmail.com
Home is (City, ST): Benton, AR
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: sure
Favorite blues artist?: Clapton
Favorite non-blues artist?: Diana Krall


E Leesa E - 03/29/00 20:44:58
My URL:http://sites.netscape.net/leesasquyres/homepage
My Email:eleesae@hotmail.com
Home is (City, ST): Houston, Texas
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: sure
Favorite blues artist?: Hound Dog Taylor (changes all the time)
Favorite non-blues artist?: Hal Blaine, Benny Benjamin, Pistol Allen, James Jamerson, Jimmy Nolen (guitar for James Brown), Elvin Jones,etc...
Favorite sound byte?: it all sounds cool!
2nd favorite?: honestly, have to listen to 'em again

Great site you got. Played a gig with Sherman Robertson last Saturday- big fun. Keep up the good work!! Respectfully, E Leesa E. Proud endorser of Pro*Mark sticks and Kansas City Drumworks. http://www.houstonpercussion.com

peter 'boxxo' miller - 02/21/00 11:00:53
My Email:peter@analsys.freeserve.co.uk
Home is (City, ST): clacton-on-sea,essex,uk
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: only if visiting uk
Favorite blues artist?: no favourites - if any man likes to perform, then i like to listen!
Favorite non-blues artist?: as above
Favorite sound byte?: moulin rouge
2nd favorite?: rogaine

great playing - it is so nice to hear jazz idiom on a diatonic

Eric Black - 02/16/00 10:12:01
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/blue_country/
My Email:bluroots@ozemail.com.au
Home is (City, ST): Logan City,Q,Australia
Favorite blues artist?: Rod Piazza
Favorite non-blues artist?: Steve Earle

Enjoyed listening to some superb harp playing,nice site too!

brian bertha - 02/02/00 16:59:17
My Email:jaguire@gte.net
Home is (City, ST): MT
Favorite blues artist?: can't say--chicago style
Favorite non-blues artist?: miles davis-really too hard to say
Favorite sound byte?: some harp licks off paul butterfields ?better times? cd i just listened to again yesterday

just ordered yer cd mike--i'm determined to develop a "thoat vibrato" goddang it it's gonna take some serious work though-i'm pretty good but i can't do that vibrato!--jaguire

jan vaughan aka BIG BAM BOOM - 01/21/00 21:04:54
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~bigbamboom422/index.html
My Email:bigbamboom42@hotmail.com
Home is (City, ST): loris SC

cool site mike , keep up the good work BIG BAM BOOM,Myrtle Beach SC.

steve fine - 01/01/00 22:27:23
My Email:sfine@bellsouth.net
Home is (City, ST): chattanooga tn.
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: no thanks
Favorite blues artist?: muddy waters
Favorite non-blues artist?: beetles

you are interesting if nothing else

Chris Lincoln - 12/31/99 11:09:31
My URL:/slideslinger/gtindex.html
My Email:fountainhead@hotmail.com
Home is (City, ST): Corydon, IN
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: no
Favorite blues artist?: George Thorogood
Favorite non-blues artist?: AC/DC

I saw that Iron Mike posted a message on a newsgroup stating that Bo Diddley had written Bad to the Bone. This is false. George Thorogood is the writer. Just wanted to clarify that.

Doc Peabody - 12/28/99 05:38:04
My Email:zlightman@earthlink.net
Home is (City, ST): Boise, ID
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: yes
Favorite blues artist?: Delbert McClinton
Favorite sound byte?: Billie Jean

I'm blown away.

Jim Anderson - 12/19/99 03:51:47
My Email:avpro4@hotmail.com
Home is (City, ST): Wheaton, IL
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: sure!

I just started lurking on the harp-l list,a nd really appreciate your remoarks. I'm 47 years old, just got BACK into harp after about 20 years off; play in church with my worship team. Never really listened to other harp players, so I guess I have my own style; but I'd like to get some lessons from someone. Do you know of any instr ctors in the Chicago area? Preferable western suburbs? Any reply will be appreciated.

Brent Packman - 11/09/99 22:13:30
My Email:brent.packman@udvna.com
Home is (City, ST): San Mateo,Ca.
Favorite blues artist?: BB King
Favorite non-blues artist?: Myself

Hey Jazz-l-er Great site--you are more accomplished than I realized. Brent

Clif Didway - 11/07/99 00:43:46
My Email:cdidway@home.com
Home is (City, ST): Bedford Texas
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Yes
Favorite blues artist?: Muddy Waters
Favorite non-blues artist?: Buck Owens(can't help it)
Favorite sound byte?: Moulin Rouge
2nd favorite?: Next time you see me I'll be gone.

Cool site, You've helped me greatly through your posts on harpl. Thanks Clif Didway

James "Little Jimmy Lawton"" Collins - 10/23/99 17:40:57
My Email:jlcollin@edcenter.egusd.k12.ca.us
Home is (City, ST): Elk Grove, CA
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Already get them. When is he coming to Sacramento or the Bay Area?
Favorite blues artist?: Roy Rogers (really! not the singing cowboy...) and Norton Buffalo, on harp
Favorite non-blues artist?: Picasso? Too many favorites to list here. Ok, I'll pick Dave Koz, the sax player, or Charlie McCoy on harp
Favorite sound byte?: Huh? How about: "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." (I dont have speakers on my computer at school, so I cant hear your music through the internet)
2nd favorite?: "Ask not what your country can do for you.."

As you can tell from my favorite sound bytes, in college, I was a history major. I love your postings on the list-serve, indeed, two weeks of reading them has raised my musical and harp knowledge higher than actually blowing harp in a rock and roll cover band for two years in the late '70's. Now I teach social sciences in a high school, and rarely get a chance to jam, but I still got some of my chops, and want to improve. Thanks for all you do for harp players on the internet, and I will buy your CD, so n. Let me know when you are playing in Northern California.

- 10/21/99 02:18:25


Hawaiian Mike - 10/20/99 18:59:32
My URL:http://www.apayn.com/freehelp.htm
My Email:computrmike@consultant.com
Home is (City, ST): Costa Mesa, CA
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Yes
Favorite blues artist?: Ironman Mike Curtis
Favorite non-blues artist?: Alfred Apaka
Favorite sound byte?: Smokin Harmonica (So get the soundbyte up there)
2nd favorite?: Take 5

Hey Mike, thanks for all the laughs and the music. Say, "Hi," to the lady for me.

Jack Quigley - 10/14/99 20:54:48
My URL:http://listen.to/JackQuigley
Home is (City, ST): Washington, DC
Favorite blues artist?: Muddy Waters

Great site you have here. I really enjoyed my visit. Keep up the great work. Have a great day and take care. Best of luck with your musical endeavors! You can visit my page at...

Jack Quigley's Homepage...Visit NOW !
Open 24 hours a day !!!!!!

Also check out my MP3's at:

Ron Campbell - 08/11/99 00:55:56
My URL:http://www.aisl.bc.ca/raca/ron.htm
My Email:raca@aisl.bc.ca
Home is (City, ST): Powell River, BC, Canada
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: not necessary
Favorite blues artist?: Robert Johnson
Favorite non-blues artist?: The Mavericks
Favorite sound byte?: Next Time You See Me
2nd favorite?: Rogaine

Almost feel like I know you, from your Blues-L posts! Great music, great attitude too. How 'bout trading links with me?

Greg AKA G - 08/10/99 10:19:28
My Email:gigs@paradise.net.nz
Home is (City, ST): Wellington, NZ

Well Ironman, you are a very good musician. I have respected your comments and advice on HarpTalk. And having heard you play I can hear you have the material to back it up. Great stuff BTW. Regards G

Elmer - 07/26/99 23:03:37
My URL:http://ats.com.au/~rtognoni
My Email:fudd@sunshine.net.au
Home is (City, ST): Brisbane Australia
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: sure
Favorite blues artist?: Dave Hole
Favorite sound byte?: I like Rogaine

Nicely presented site, great sound bytes and GREAT PLAYING!! well done.

Les Fradkin - 07/26/99 16:09:40
My URL:http://www.trackbytrack.com
My Email:lfradkin@earthlink
Home is (City, ST): Redondo Beach, Ca.
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Yes
Favorite blues artist?: Paul Butterfield
Favorite non-blues artist?: Jeff Beck

I don't know how Mike does it but I, for one am very impressed. Great harmonica and bass pedals and no slouch on guitar either! And while we're at it, a great guy!

- 06/29/99 11:15:27


Brother Jay W. - 06/16/99 09:54:07
My Email:eaglekind@AOL.com
Home is (City, ST): Frankfort Ky.
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: get it through harptalk

I was totally blown away with the pure clear clean sound of Mike C. I had been receiving Email tips and help from Mike not knowing the great ability of this true Blues Man. Surely he has spent hundreds of hours devoted to what must be a passion to him. Th bible say there is a spirit within a man it is the inspiration of the Almighty. When I first heard the Ironman I felt it was inspired from deep within. Great day in the morning good a sound as I have ever heard!

Chris Holzhaus - 06/06/99 23:02:12
My URL:http://www.chrisholzhaus.com
My Email:chris@chrisholzhaus.com
Home is (City, ST): Blanco,Tx(40miles from austin)

Thanks Mike for all the great info you post to Blues-L.Goodluck with your career!


Chris Holzhaus - 06/06/99 23:02:05
My URL:http://www.chrisholzhaus.com
My Email:chris@chrisholzhaus.com
Home is (City, ST): Blanco,Tx(40miles from austin)

Thanks Mike for all the great info you post to Blues-L.Goodluck with your career!


Chris Holzhaus - 06/06/99 23:01:58
My URL:http://www.chrisholzhaus.com
My Email:chris@chrisholzhaus.com
Home is (City, ST): Blanco,Tx(40miles from austin)

Thanks Mike for all the great info you post to Blues-L.Goodluck with your career!


Chris Holzhaus - 06/06/99 23:01:45
My URL:http://www.chrisholzhaus.com
My Email:chris@chrisholzhaus.com
Home is (City, ST): Blanco,Tx(40miles from austin)

Thanks Mike for all the great info you post to Blues-L.Goodluck with your career!


Paul Delaney - 05/15/99 03:13:35
My Email:kb2shu.ampr.org
Home is (City, ST): Cerritos CA
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: yes
Favorite blues artist?: Clapton
Favorite non-blues artist?: Jethro Tull
Favorite sound byte?: Moulin Rouge
2nd favorite?: Rogaine

Wow mike! sounds GREAT. Hope to see you live soon at the Starboard Attitude. The Real Audio stuff came across just fine and the harp playing is amazing. I look forward to seeing you soon. Paul Delaney Cerritos

harold rand - 03/13/99 17:25:31
My Email:signs@ados.com
Home is (City, ST): Portland, Or
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Yes
Favorite blues artist?: Ironman
Favorite non-blues artist?: Ironman
Favorite sound byte?: Moula rogue


Jeffrey's Blues Harp - 03/03/99 21:47:04
My URL:http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~rudedog/harp.html
My Email:rudedog@clemson.edu
Home is (City, ST): Seneca, SC
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Not unless you will be on the east coast
Favorite blues artist?: Junior Wells
Favorite non-blues artist?: Charlie McCoy
Favorite sound byte?: all
2nd favorite?: all others

I have a beginning blues harp page and love helping people learn to play Blues Harp and just playing blues as much as possible. I trully enjoyed visiting your site.

Dan Henry Jones - 03/01/99 05:35:57
My Email:JonesDanHn@aol.com
Home is (City, ST): Topeka, Ks.
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Yes
Favorite blues artist?: William Clarke
Favorite non-blues artist?: Variety

Great Site Mike, thanks for putting it on the web. I only heard of you through the internet, but through your sound bytes, I am becoming a fan.

Vince Vilardo - 03/01/99 02:20:58
My Email:VVilardo@aol.com
Home is (City, ST): Brentwood, TN
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Please
Favorite blues artist?: Muddy Waters
Favorite non-blues artist?: Frank Sinatra

A great home page. I have audited the John Watts Harp Talk page on a regular basis and truly enjoy your assistance and willingness to share all you have to offer. I have a daughter who lives in the Palmdale area and will surely drop in to catch you the ext time we visit.

Donny Ward - 02/28/99 15:00:02
My Email:donnyward@smyth.net
Home is (City, ST): Marion , Virginia
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: yes
Favorite blues artist?: Little Charlie and the Nightcats
Favorite non-blues artist?: Bob Dylan
Favorite sound byte?: liked 'um all !

Read all your coments on harptalk and have picked up lots of information that would otherwise excape me.I play around with the harp some, being onearmed doesen't help my sound very much,but i'm starting to expieriment with a modified rack.Should improve m choke at least.I too play LO's. Great sound Ironman . Howda'you get the nickname?

PETER CRAIG - 02/25/99 22:31:53
Home is (City, ST): petecraig7@hotmail.com
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: no
Favorite blues artist?: Rod Piazza
Favorite non-blues artist?: Sting


David Cobb - 01/24/99 18:09:43
My Email:cobbyco@hotmail.com
Home is (City, ST): Bingley, England
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: probably no use to me
Favorite blues artist?: Carey Bell
Favorite non-blues artist?: Led Zeppelin (or is that blues anyway ?)

Thanks for all your help on Harptalk. You have answered a couple of the items I've posted but generally I just enjoy reading all the info. Do you ever get over to the UK ? Please let me know if you do and i'll get along to see you. Thanks again

Donny Ward - 12/06/98 20:19:06


David Silva - 12/02/98 02:19:04
My Email:DSilva0829@aol.com
Home is (City, ST): Costa Mesa
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Yes
Favorite blues artist?: BB King
Favorite non-blues artist?: Credence

Heard you at Triangle Square. You're great! Came back for more last week. Will bring my friends next time you're at Triangle Square. (I was the one who requested Mary by Hendryx) ciao.

Greta - 11/24/98 17:14:21
My URL:http://members.aol.com/GLL4/GLL4.html
My Email:GLL4@aol.com
Home is (City, ST): Ohio, living in Indiana.
Favorite blues artist?: many
Favorite non-blues artist?: many

I like the Blues as well as all other music. Job well done. Thank you for allowing the opportunity of visiting your site.God Bless.

COMMANDO CODY - 11/21/98 01:08:05
My Email:harpnbluz@aol
Home is (City, ST): LosAngeles, ca
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: yes
Favorite blues artist?: ironman
Favorite non-blues artist?: ironman
Favorite sound byte?: any thing with harp
2nd favorite?: anything with harp and guitar

Mike, What the heck happened with you and harp-l? I just read your response in the archives. Is that polesky you are talking about? It is their loss, I cant believe it. Everybody wants you back. You are doing "harp attach". Maybe I will see you their. Tell the maiden that Vicki and I say hello. Commando Cody

Scott Perry - 10/27/98 15:29:51
My Email:ohpapa@awod.com
Home is (City, ST): Charleston, SC
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: no thanks
Favorite blues artist?: Blind Willie Johnson
Favorite non-blues artist?: Blind Willie Johnson

Great site Mike. A veritable billboard of your musical gifts, as it should be. I continue to enjoy your CD and share it with others. That "virtuosity" word has come up more than once in re your harp playing. Continued good luck and sucess to you. Scott Perry

Robert Holt - 10/13/98 06:51:35
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~brobob/bluesharphtml
My Email:brobobnmm@fishnet.net
Home is (City, ST): Fillmore,CA.
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: yes
Favorite blues artist?: Mark Hummel
Favorite non-blues artist?: Van Morrison

I have been playing Blues Harp for over 20 years and thought I had heard all the best Harp players tell now! mike is good better then good I got meet you see you in person! and buy your CD. Jam sessions I live for them see you soon.

Larry Rogat - 08/27/98 01:53:46
My URL:http://home.att.net/~largt/home.htm
My Email:largt@worldnet.att.net
Home is (City, ST): Wingdale, NY
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: sorry, no
Favorite blues artist?: Charlie Musselwhite
Favorite non-blues artist?: The Band
Favorite sound byte?: Elvis Has Left The Building
2nd favorite?: Firesign Theatre "Hey baby, we;lcome to the lazy old circle dude ranch and nudist colony take off your clothes and comon' in"

We blew a 6 inch hole in a concrete wall when we were six. I did become a chemist. Visit my site, you might get a kick out of it. It is a little sophomoric in some graphics, but, hey, it was fun. Liked you Moulin Rouge. Larry

stevie owen - 08/25/98 04:56:45
My Email:maxx@nwohio.com
Home is (City, ST): fremont,oh
Favorite blues artist?: stevie ray/B.B.king


John Pollock - 08/24/98 11:38:46
My URL:http://people.delphi.com/johnpollock/
My Email:I'm in favor of it! ;-)
Home is (City, ST): Earth; born here, never been away from home
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Sure, whenever you're touring Texas...
Favorite blues artist?: So many of them, so little time...

Mike, I'm tickled that you finally have a Web site. I'll be linking to it from Troubador Tech's Harmonica page, Pedal Keyboard Technique page, MIDI Pedal Keyboard Tips and Tricks page, Solo Setups page... Gimme a day or so. ;-) --John

- 08/17/98 02:57:46

Convert one or two of your music into mp3 format and place it on www.mp3.com so everyone can listen to it.

Pete Shields - 08/14/98 01:07:08
My Email:mr.willett@mci2000.com
Home is (City, ST): Washington, DC
Favorite blues artist?: Rod Piazza
Favorite non-blues artist?: Squirrel Nut Zippers


Johnny Byrne - 08/04/98 16:35:14
My Email:Burnante@aol.com
Home is (City, ST): Ridgewood, N.J.
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Sure
Favorite blues artist?: Currently Paul deLay

I have been lurking a bit in Harp-l for some time and just want to tell you that I enjoy your treads. Today,for the first time I visited your Web page. Have not gone through it all but have found it to be informative. As far as commenting on your playing only downloaded Next time you se me(wav) format. I detect a bit of John Hammond influence and of course your own style of playing which is to be commended. If your ever on the east coast I hope to catch your show. Best wishes and good luck ion all your f ture endeavors. Johnny Byrne aka Harpburn Johnny aka Jumpin Johnny Byrne

george stachnik - 07/31/98 00:18:13
My Email:george_stachnik@hp.com
Home is (City, ST): San Jose, ca
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Sure
Favorite blues artist?: Etta James? Sugar Blue? Muddy Waters?
Favorite non-blues artist?: Tolouse LaTrec (Oh, you mean musical artist...) Beatles? Clancy Brthrs? Miles Davis? Sviatislov Richter?
Favorite sound byte?: Your Moulin Rouge ra file

Loved the clips. Will pick the the CD post haste.

John Bennett - 07/28/98 16:00:18
My Email:elmo@mexia.com
Home is (City, ST): Wortham, TX
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Only for TX Tour...

Nice page...Where'd ya get the "critter"?...Played your C.D. the other nite...brought back some fond memories of a fun weekend...

Tim Moody - 07/20/98 12:40:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/9417
My Email:tpmoody@pscnet.com
Home is (City, ST): Eugene OR
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: No, already get them
Favorite blues artist?: Muddy
Favorite non-blues artist?: What's that?

Hey Mike, Got a page here for my band. Just checkin' your page out. Tim Moody

sterling olsen - 07/18/98 18:19:54
My Email:solsen@castles.com
Home is (City, ST): suiisun city, calif.
Favorite blues artist?: muddy waters
Favorite non-blues artist?: elton john, jimmy buffett

yes mike your slammin' ...you have great talent hope you go far...i have followed ya on harp-l thanks for info man....keep on!

Lefty Wizz - 07/16/98 22:35:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/4863
My Email:bluesman77@prodigy.net
Home is (City, ST): Chicago,IL
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Sure, what the hell!
Favorite blues artist?: Muddy Waters
Favorite non-blues artist?: John Coltrane

Ironman, Lefty Wizz, site looks good, great to see musicians such as yourself keeping the blues alive there. -Lefty Wizz, the New King of Chicago's South Side blues scene

Eric Nelson - 07/14/98 22:59:51
My Email:Enelson@feist.com
Home is (City, ST): Maize KS
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: If you'll come to kansas I'll come see ya!
Favorite blues artist?: Carey Bell
Favorite non-blues artist?: Wynton Marsalis
Favorite sound byte?: They all rocked!!!

Wow! All that sound from only one man.

Jerome Blanes - 07/11/98 17:11:27
Home is (City, ST): Holland
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: nope: to far away!
Favorite blues artist?: Me!
Favorite non-blues artist?: Me Too!
Favorite sound byte?: let you know!
2nd favorite?: let you know!

Hi Mike, Your page now looks good! So that's how you look like! Hey, must go..... let ya know about the sound byties! Bye, Jerome Blanes

Hermen Wijbenga - 07/10/98 17:36:17
My Email:hermenw@yahoo.com
Home is (City, ST): Beesd, The Netherlands
Favorite blues artist?: Jimi Hendrix
Favorite non-blues artist?: Jimi Hendrix


Mike Will - 07/10/98 14:27:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/myquill/
My Email:myquill@hotmail.com
Home is (City, ST): Houston, TX
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: no
Favorite blues artist?: No favorites..
Favorite non-blues artist?: Maybe Lyle Lovett

Hey Mike.. Good job on your page. Just sayin' Hi.

Dave Bloodgood - 07/06/98 11:47:29
My Email:dabldgd@pacbell.net
Home is (City, ST): RPV CA
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: yes

Hi Mike - remember me - Dave, KD6PRO

Dan "MR.DOWNTIME" Treanor - 07/04/98 16:15:51
My Email:daniel@oneimage.com
Home is (City, ST): Arvada, CO
Favorite blues artist?: SONNY BOY WILLIAMSON II
Favorite non-blues artist?: Liked them all

I'm a harp player/guitarist. Been playing for over 30 years. Front my own Blues Band - ARC LIGHT. Play the Rocky Mountain area. Have 5 cds out. Am a HOHNER endorsee. Like your work! Keep groovin' "MR.DOWNTIME"

Howard Cooler - 06/28/98 16:27:43
My Email:HowCool@oburg.net
Home is (City, ST): Bamberg,SC
Favorite blues artist?: Musselwhite
Favorite non-blues artist?: Blues Traveler

Saw your web page - have heard your name (read) on numerous ocassions in American Harmonica Newsletter (Newsmagazine).

Denyse - 06/27/98 17:42:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/5839
My Email:denyse@geocities.com
Home is (City, ST): Baton rouge la
Favorite non-blues artist?: Hank Williams Jr.

You visited my site so I thought I would check yours out. Not bad

Ron Henderson - 06/27/98 01:47:32
My Email:chiharp@hotmail.com
Home is (City, ST): Richton Park, Il (Chicago)
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: OK
Favorite blues artist?: Buzz Krantz (close personal friend)
Favorite non-blues artist?: Howard Levy

I wanted to catch you at Buckeye but I couldn't make it. I'll be at SPAH, hope you will to.

Nick Day - 06/23/98 20:55:13
My URL:http://www.zoo.co.uk/~aqueduct
My Email:nday@zoo.co.uk
Home is (City, ST): Cheltenham, England


Donald R. Bell - 06/23/98 14:48:33
My URL:http://www.bellinc.com
My Email:donbell@bellinc.com
Home is (City, ST): Las Cruces, NM
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Yes
Favorite blues artist?: Thunderbirds
Favorite non-blues artist?: Bonfigilo
Favorite sound byte?: Play them Blues
2nd favorite?: Moulin Rouge

Thanks for the help on the harp with your comments on Harp-l Keep it up

Hutch - 06/23/98 06:32:30
My Email:jeffhutch@juno.com
Home is (City, ST): Denver, CO
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: If you get out this way ever, sure!
Favorite blues artist?: SBII (Rice Williams?)
Favorite non-blues artist?: Bonnie Raitt (non-blues?)

Pleasure to meet you (so to speak) face to face, Ironman. I can't rate your sound bytes as yet, 'cause I'm having problems getting them downloaded *pout* I'll let you know when I can get 'em. BB

Bill Roy - 06/22/98 02:11:54
My Email:billroy@kuntrynet.com
Home is (City, ST): Northern Indiana
Favorite non-blues artist?: Al Simpson

No commets at this time Mike.

Gary Rex Tanner - 06/21/98 09:02:13
My URL:http://www.garyrextanner.com
My Email:tanner@cts.com
Home is (City, ST): Escondido, Ca.
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: Nah, I get enough of him on the Internet
Favorite blues artist?: Ray Charles
Favorite non-blues artist?: Ray Charles
Favorite sound byte?: Theme From Moulin Rouge

Mike, your site is growing and improving. I continue to enjoy your album. I'll send you a copy of my new CD "Classy Women" as soon as it's pressed. Maybe you will consider adding one of my songs to your act.

Rich (DUh Rev) Lyons - 06/21/98 00:30:31
My Email:rev_rich@internetwork.net
Home is (City, ST): Marshall, TX
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: nope, can't get that far West! Sigh!

Cule Site Mike! I can't wait until I get the CD Rogaine is wicked! I love it.

Robert J Dewar - 06/19/98 16:57:29
My Email:rjdewar@cyberus.ca
Home is (City, ST): Gloucester, Ontario
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: No
Favorite blues artist?: Rice Miller
Favorite non-blues artist?: Miles Davis

Hi, Mike! Nice to see ya on the web and good luck with the recording and your career. Robert J Dewar (from Blues-L)

ward britton - 06/18/98 09:45:38
My URL:http://www.xplus.com.au
My Email:wardb@xplus.com.au
Home is (City, ST): Berowra NSW
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: nup... unless you are coming down under! [:-)
Favorite blues artist?: Sonny Terry & Brownie McGee
Favorite non-blues artist?: mozart
Favorite sound byte?: dunno

Thanks for all your tips Mike. I really appreciate it. I listened to your sound bytes.... man you can really play!!!! See ya on the harp list.... wardb++

Evil Yu - 06/17/98 23:39:51
My URL:http://geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/BoardRoom/2116
My Email:Yummers888@goplay.com
Home is (City, ST): Your house
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: YESSSSSSSSSS
Favorite blues artist?: Jazz: Fourplay
Favorite non-blues artist?: Cherry Popping Daddies

I just wanted to say hi

Nancy_Jeanne - 06/17/98 22:59:31
My Email:nancy_jeanne@yahoo.com
Would you like Email updates on IronMans schedule?: yes

Now that you're a web hotshot how about paying your rent!!! :)

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