"Mike Curtis is the best harmonica player I've ever heard."
"His musical stylings are very diverse and at times you would swear that there is no way that it is only one person playing all the instruments..... you probably will like it."
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The RealAudio's are entire songs and stream if you have a 28k8+ connection. The wave files are ~60 second excerpts.
More music and some "must be seen to be believed" video is available on Ironman's official website, http://www.IronmanCurtis.com
Click here to visit the official IronmanCurtis website - LOTS more songs, and an absolutely incredible LIVE webcast video! Requires Real Player 8 Basic or better.
For more IronMan RealAudio clips and review, click here
Not so in the case of IronMan Mike Curtis.
Mikes CD has gotten excellent reviews - not because he is a one man band (you can't hear that on the CD ;-) but because the songs are great, the music is great, the selection is pleasingly eclectic, the instruments are played professionally and cleanly, the Blues is genuine and heartfelt, the Jazz is cool, the mood is fun, and the overall sound is that of a
IronMans live performances have been highly reviewed because he sounds great, because he puts on an excellent show, because he has a great sense of humor (aw, c'mon; it's not that bad), and of course because he is a one man band and makes it all come together like no other one man band.
While most other one man bands these days are just ordinary musicians who play along with tape recordings, computers, and other pre-recorded music, IronMan actually plays everything himself - LIVE - with the lone exception of drums (which are provided by a rhythm machine that IronMan - who is also a drummer - programs.) The harmonica, the guitar, the organ bass, and the vocals are all done by a REAL musician!
Frequently called "virtuoso", Mike is considered by the harmonica community to be a
IronMan is also a professional bassist and drummer. He does recording sessions on harmonica and bass. Mike has worked with a lot of really tight, well defined bands. He knows how all these instruments work together to form a tight, experienced band.
Curtis is versatile, playing an eclectic mix of funky delta and Chicago blues, jazz, rock, west coast blues and swing, funk, and the kitchen sink. He might even throw in a Polka, so be careful what you ask him to play :-)
Despite playing three instruments at once (harmonica, guitar, and organ bass pedals a la Jimmy Smith, Groove Holmes, etc.), IronMan plays each of them exceptionally well - sometimes TOO well! Those seeing IronMan perform for the first time often need to be convinced that he is actually
playing it ALL himself
and not lip syncing to records - and yes it really does sound THAT good!
IronMan may play the Blues, but his sense of humor and quick wit is anything but "blue", in the many senses of the word. His show is "G" rated, without being preachy or puritanical.
And his show is generally lighthearted. When you attend an IronMan concert, be prepared to get HAPPY! As Mike says, "Being the class clown (in school) turned out to be great job training for some of us!" IronMan is a lot of fun. Many of his tunes are on the lighter side, and some are just out and out sidesplitting funny - such as Rogaine, Say It Don't Spray It, etc.
Mike puts on an excellent show as well, quite surprising for a "one man band", whom you might expect to just stand there and play. He's always got a joke or wisecrack between tunes - and sometimes during them. He loves to interact with the audience, and encourages them to participate.
Curtis is not tied to the stage like most musicians, especially almost all solo acts. He frequently leaves the stage while playing harmonica and guitar. And boy, can he play harmonica - check out the incredible acoustic tone and lively yet precise articulation on
Moulin Rouge (RealAudio))
and guitar (no slouch on this, either - he has won contests) to walk through the audience, joking with them, serenading the ladies and couples, playing from his knees, and even laying on the floor, feet kicking in the air, a la Big Jay McNeely, who Curtis freely admits stealing the routine from while working with him over the years.
Mike plays electric harmonica, guitar, and organ bass pedals, all at the same time, and sings. IronMan also writes and arranges professionally.
Mike has been into electronics since age 10. Previously, he was into chemistry, but when he blew up the back porch, his Mother "suggested" a safer hobby. Curtis holds an electrical engineering degree, commercial radio operators license (General Radiotelephone Certificate), is an amateur radio operator (WD6EHR, advanced class), and has done a lot of cutting edge work in amateur radio and high speed packet (computers via the radio). He is also a member of Mensa, the high IQ society, with a 160 IQ, in the top 99.9%. But IronMan is no egghead - he's a very down to earth kind of guy who enjoys people.
Curtis has hitchhiked across the USA four times, and has played in many cities including Houston TX, New Orleans LA, Pensacola FL, New York NY, Boston MA, and many others. Recently IronMan tore the roof off the Blind Lemon Jefferson Blues Festival (Wortham TX) by playing to thirsty audiences at the closest venue that sold beer (The Hilltop, Mexia TX - Wortham is in a "dry" county). Check out the review of Mikes CD by the promoter who booked Mike for the fest, Bill Salmon.
Mike has worked with a lot of popular and well known artists, such as Big Jay McNeely, Josh White Sr, John Lee Hooker, Shelley Mann, Phineas Newborne Jr, Bobby Brown, The Leaves (who did the original Hey Joe - Mike played bass), The Seeds (Pushin' Too Hard, Can't Seem To Make You Mine, Mr. Farmer - Mike played guitar), The Syndicate Of Sound (Hey Little Girl - Mike played bass), Walter Trout, Barry Levenson, and lots more. Mike has performed in shows with The Troggs, The Standells, Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers, Bernie Pearl & Harmonica Fats, Jesse Colin Young, Walter Trout, Eric Sardinas, James Harman, The Chi-Lites, The Stylistics, Billie Boy Arnold, Robert Lucas, Flat Top tom & His Jump Cats, and many others.
IronMan Mike Curtis plays at many of Southern California finest blues and jazz nightspots. A tour is in the works. Don't take our word for it - see him live for yourself! You'll be glad you did! And don't forget to ask IronMan to play anything you like. With a list of well over ten thousand songs - and growing - he can surprise you! Like the fellow in his 70's who offhandedly remarked "I love what you've been playing, but I wish you could play some of the old great standards, like Stardust" - and who got his wish! IronMan did Stardust as a slow, wistful, moving harmonica instrumental.
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IronMan to get on his Email concert list
Please come back soon and visit again. We'll be adding more reviews, harmonica/guitar/music tips, pictures, and more!
IronMans CD,
"Doin' It All Myself"
The CD is available directly from IronMan , from the record company
USA Music Group @ 800/266-8742, Tower Records, or
Tower Records Online
(search for IronMan Mike Curtis)
p.s. Tower Online counts how many queries IronMan gets!
1. Next Time You See Me I'll Be Gone (Curtis)(key of A)
Here are some reviews of IronMans CD and playing:
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For booking, latest concert updates, interviews, etc., please call
Please let us know what you think.
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"While the show was excellent, there were few surprises ....
The surprise was Iron Mike Curtis who is a one man band..."
Southland Blues review of the Blues Harmonica Blowdown at the featuring Rod Piazza, James Harman, Billie Boy Arnold, Bernie Pearl/Harmonica Fats, and Flat Top Tom and his Jump Cats.
Jerome Wilson, Cadence magazine, August 1998, page 113
Walter Trout (guitar: John Mayalls Bluesbreakers; harmonica: Canned Heat)
Southland Blues Magazine review of IronMans CD "Doin' It All Myself
Moulin Rouge
Billie Jean
Rollin' and Tumblin'
Take 5
BTW if you have any suggestions on how to overcome this, please Email IronMan
was recorded live in studio. It took just 90 minutes to record! Typically CDs take weeks or even months to record. Each song was done live, in a single take.
(So please hit it hard, hit it often, and let your friends know!)
2. Things Ain't Gonna Be The Same (Curtis) (key of G)
3. Rollin and Tumblin' (Johnson) (key of G)
4. Play them blues (Curtis) (key of G)
5. Moulin Rouge (Auric) (key of C)
6. Rogaine (Curtis/Cale) (key of E)
7. Smokin' Harmonica (Curtis) (key of A minor)
8. Ugly Woman (Curtis) (key of G minor)
9. What's Goin' On (Gaye)(key of G)
10. Say It Don't Spray It (Curtis)(key of G)
11. Take 5/Blue Rondo A La Turk (Desmond/Brubeck)(keys of A minor and C)
12. Billie Jean (Jackson)(key of A minor)
Review by American Harmonica Newsmagazine
Review in Cadence Magazine"
Review by world renowned harmonica instructor Jon Gindick
Review by Texas concert promoter Bill Salmon
Description and ordering info for IronMans CD
Valved harmonica
How to play diatonic harmonica in any key with no missing notes! Mike not
only gives away trade secrets, he actually walks you through them! times.
IronMans HOTLINE 818/765-2857
or for booking or ordering CDs call USA Music Group toll free
Please be sure to sign IronMans guest book - and THANKS in advance!
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Links to other sites on the Web
USA Music Group Records
Tower Records
Al Levy's LFO Music & Arts Hotel - lots of midi's
Blue Monday - new blues artists, lots of RealAudios!
© 1997 ironman@moonlink.net