Here are a few of my favorite things!



This is my favorite classical
guitar. Handmade by an
American guitar builder
named Richard Ruck.


This sassy little beauty
is a Gibson ES335
from the early '70s.
Note the classic sunburst finish.


This is perhaps my
favorite toy these days.
A Casio PG380 MIDI guitar.
This guitar allows me to
plug directly into the computer
so I can record MIDI files.

Now we turn to my synthesizer. This bad boy is a Korg 01WFD. First came the Korg M1, which was a popular synth, but was eventually replaced by the Korg 01W. This synth contains some classic Korg sounds. The real sound of this synth can be heard on some of my RealAudio and MP3 files.

These are just a few of my favorite things.
These are some of the toys I use to create the files you hear on this site. Eventually I will share more of my toys with you, so stay tuned!

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