Welcome to My Studio

Hi! My name is Tom. Welcome to my music studio.

I finally had a chance to post some of my music files. I spend
most of my time composing and performing in my music studio...
when I'm not trying to make a living. I have also included pictures with
each of my MIDI files. Some of the pictures I took of my beautiful
surroundings, while others are pictures of paintings from the great masters.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my music.

Bookmark this site because there are plenty more music files on the way!
And don't forget to check out my dancing giraffe.

  1. Hear my RealAudio files! - This page consists of streaming Real Audio files. If you aren't sure what Real Audio is then visit this page.

  3. Hear my MP3 files! - With all the media attention MP3 sound files have been getting, you probably already have an MP3 player.  If not, you can download a player on this page.  You will also find more information about MP3 files on this page.
  4.   All of the following links consist of my MIDI files.

  5. "Once I Loved" - A Jobim bossa nova

  7. "Song 4 You" - This is a little pop tune I wrote and even threw in some waves ~~ at no extra charge.

  9. "How Insensitive" - Another Jobim bossa nova

  11. "Round Midnight" - A little Thelonious Sphere Monk for dessert

  13. See the AMAZING dancing giraffe! - (But be patient cause he needs time to warm up!)

  15. "Vivaldi Concerto in D" - This page contains my recording of Concerto in D by Vivaldi. It is accompanied by the artwork of Caravaggio. Check it out...an artistic delight!

  17. My "Little Fugue" - My attempt at writing a Baroque fugue.  (Just in case you're wondering, a fugue is a contrapuntal composition of the Baroque period - and I bet you didn't think this site would be educational).

  19. Got da blues? - Somebody asked me the other day, "Where are da blues?" Here's da blues along with a slide show of my hometown. What more could you ask for?

  21. "Blue In Green" - Here is a ballad by Miles Davis and Bill Evans accompanied by a great shot of the SF Bay Bridge and some waves.

  23. Here are a few of my favorite things. - Does one ever have enough toys?

  25. "Romanza" (aka Spanish Ballad) - This is one of the more famous classical guitar tunes.

  27. Fireworks Museum - These are fireworks created using java. These were originally created by Kei Yuasa and compiled by yours truly.

  29. Fireworks On Demand! - More fireworks, but these allow you (the viewer) to control various parameters which determine how the fireworks are displayed.

  31. Tom's Chistmas Songs! - I was going to take these files down shortly after xmas, but a friend asked if I would leave them up, so here they are even though xmas is a long way off. These files are in Real Audio format. If you need the Real Audio player you will find a link on this page to download it. Happy Holidays!

If you liked these files or just want to say hello, drop me a line at:



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*The file currenly playing is a MIDI file I made of a tune called "Shaker Song" by Jay Beckenstein.

If you're not hearing any music then you may need the Crescendo Plugin.
It's free so why not get one today while supplies last?

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