Welcome To My Lil Corner of the North Pole!!
As you can obviously tell from this site... Christmas is my Favourite time of the year.
I am from Houston in the great state of TEXAS and when not chatting I am planning my yard decorations for this year's Christmas Contest. 1998 was a great year... I am proud to announce SECOND PLACE WINNER!!! Of course I had help from my friends.. Wilma..Yummi... LuckyZ, Heather, Naomi, Allan...Racky, Ms Molly & Tilda.!! A great time was had by all .. and i promise Lucky to let Wilma wrap the lites up this year! I do believe this will be an annual event!!! (Don't worry Lucky.. I won't drive! LOL)
Now before going anywhere...move down the page and sign the Guestbook please!!!!! I am really anxious to see everyone's answers!!!

A few pictures....
Ok ...so i haven't grown much taller since 1965....

Click on the Santa for some of my favourite christmas pictures...

and my next favourite holiday is Halloween.. click on the pumpkin to see these pics...

and another favourite holiday is the Fourth of July - Click on the eagle for some more pics...

Click on the Turkey to go to my Thanksgiving page

Click on the dancing dot to see my family...

Click on the penguin to see my favourite dog
Keep on scrolling for pictures of "Chatters on the Road"
One of Rudolph's favourite songs is...Up on the Housetop