Greetings!I am Silverfox,welcome to my lair!
A little about myself:I am part Cherokee Indian and very proud of it.I have two children,Morgan and Bradley and two poodles,Abbie and Chloe.I am in the antique business and I like swimming(especially at midnight with no clothes on),NBA basketball,men with long hair and rough work hands.I am #%$^^years old.You really didn't think I'd tell you that now,did you? I like over sentimental love stories with Forrest Gump being a #1 favorite(yep,sorry guys!)and old music by any group.

Loves Reflection by John Guthrie-Cherokee artist.

I love japanese food and chinese second.I like a good bottle of champange with a good man to make love to(Are you listening UNCLEDOG?).Mostly you can find me zipping around in my MINT gold 85 Mazda Rx7GLS.

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