How to cook pinto's

(the real way)


Look beans( this means pick out the rocks and dirt). Wash em off. I fill a pot with water and swish them around a bit and drain them in a colandar. Repeat. Now put them in a pot and cover with water(just enough to cover em). Bring to a boil and drain (this gets rid of some of the gas). Now put them back in the pot and cover with water. Put in a big piece of fatback or country ham. Add about 2 tsp. of salt. Bring to a boil then cut the burner down. Cover and simmer. Stir em about every 30 minutes. Cook until they are tender. It takes about 3 hours. I like to put them on early in the day and let them simmer all day. It really makes a difference. I hate it when people soak beans!! It makes them taste like boiled peanuts! Take my word on it. Try not soaking them one time and you will never go back!!

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