janet Marin - 12/21/00 23:59:58
My Email:dmarin@linc-net.net
Your work is just beyond words, Very Very nice, would love to own a piece . Maybe some day, Really enjoyed seeing your talent. Janet
Indiancarver - 12/18/00 20:27:58
My URL:http://communities.msn.com/sculpturesofwood
My Email:skyhawk2@hotmail.com
Very nicely done site....carvings are excellent and the painting of them exquisite......thanks for sharing......Norm
Patty Readenour - 06/22/00 02:24:04
My Email:pattydawn@mobiletel.com
Your site is wonderful!! I'm very impressed with your work and was wondering if you teach classes? If not.....do you know of anyone in this area that does? I live in Grand Isle and am very interested in learning to carve. Please send any information yo
might have. It would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much.
Andrew Bluett - 03/29/00 23:49:34
My Email:andrew.bluett@whitbread.com
Excellent carvings - a tradition we don't have in the UK but I aspire to do a few - I am an English Birder and I admire your art.
J.D. - 03/21/00 04:36:33
My Email:dewey69usa@hotmail.com
Just signing the guestbook. I am interested in carved fish. I was looking for information for Phillpe Saroy. I have one of his paintings. I have yet to acq1uire a carving.
Later J.D.
Mike P - 10/19/99 07:40:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pe/mpcarver
My Email:tankspring@hotmail.com
Hey, like your page and decided to link it to a page i Built for my dad. It is also a carving page that we just started to build. Hope you'll take a look and offer some suggestions, thanx mike
Todd-Michael Phillips - 10/07/99 09:57:19
My Email:Books4Kids@Go.com
I enjoyed your site very much, it makes me even prouder to be a Louisianian. I am a Children's Author and my theme continues to be my Louisiana Pride. My new book (Soon to be released) is entitled "Acadie, I Remember 1755" about the deportation of the Aca
ians as seen through the eyes of a 7 year old girl. It is a picture-book that basically explains to kids "How Cajuns Came to be" and how they ended up in Acadiana. I will be touring all 64 parishes in promotion of this new title.If contacted by e-mail I a
also available for visits & reading at schools, festivals, libraries etc. My Mother was a Leblanc and my Grandmother a Thibodeaux, so don't be fooled by my English last name. Sincerely: Todd-Michael Phillips Books4Kids@Go.com ToddMichaelPhillips.com (The
above URL will be active in a week or so)
- 08/21/99 17:19:07
Tie Bowle - 05/29/99 00:21:47
Ron Lesley - 04/09/99 23:00:57
My URL:http://www.shelby.net/rlesley
My Email:rlesley@shelby.net
Lots of hard work represented here. I enjoyed the site. I carve in NC.
Wes Townzen - 02/20/99 03:58:27
My Email:wu9v@gtec.com
As a realistic bird carver(mostly ducks) for about 20 years. I found your page to be one of the better ones that i have visited.Congratulatios, and keep up the good work.Thanks Wes
Cajun Don Thibodaux - 12/23/98 09:01:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/cajundon/
My Email:donpthib@centuryinter.net
Hi Dennis, not only are you a great wood carver, you are also a great web page designer. Like most cajuns, use their talents to the fullest.
Don BATES - 11/04/98 01:19:40
- 10/07/98 02:48:44
i have always been fascinated by waterfowl and the art of carving decoys. i am looking for as much imformation as possible so i can learn the art. i have enjoyed visiting this site and will continue to visit it. thank you! tom sprowles
Ryan Burnett - 09/10/98 02:56:29
My URL:/HotSprings/Villa/4391/
My Email:ryan@cajun.net
I want to meet your sister-inlaw
donna burrow - 09/07/98 07:40:51
My Email:dburrow@usa.net
hey dennis.... you did a good job on your cite....just wanted you to know i keep am update on it....donna
cindy straight - 08/19/98 20:24:16
My Email:c2c@datasync.com
Itzhak - 07/22/98 11:55:52
My URL:/Eureka/8910
My Email:ishdemati@yahoo.com
Very nice and interesting site.
Dennis what a cool web site
but you need more fish!!!!!
your fellow fish carver
Michael V. Barsanti - 06/27/98 18:46:17
My Email:michael@delriobarsaanti.com
I'm interested in finding a site or company where
I can purchase patterns from which I can begin making carvings. I did a lot of carving of all types when I was much younger----would like to begin again.
Barbara McClure - 06/23/98 16:54:09
My Email:BAM1209@AOL.com
Jack Dangar - 06/19/98 02:11:40
My Email:cview@mindspring.com
Nice work, I am a powercarver with a Dremel heavy duty motor and flex shaft. Right now I'm working on two mantels for a Doctor here in Atlanta.
I also do dragons, walking stafs and what ever the client wants.
Rick Butler - 06/15/98 02:22:36
My URL:http://www.voicenet.com/~bark/rickb.htm
My Email:rgbutler@zdial.com
Nice site and great carvings!
- 06/13/98 12:31:17
My Email:dave-schneberger@usa.net
Beautiful carvings.
Larry Barksdale - 06/10/98 11:13:57
My Email:larrybar@flash.net
Cin - 06/01/98 03:10:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/4715
My Email:cin_ram@hotmail.com
Hey There! Love your site and can tell you have put a ton of work into it!
- 05/29/98 03:05:03
i really enjoyed your site
fun to visit
- 05/19/98 05:35:22
- 05/19/98 04:39:09
Operation Commitment and Hope for Silicone Implant Survivors
Ask The Junklady
DENNIS THERIOT - 05/19/98 00:17:36
Jacko - 05/18/98 23:45:44
My URL:http://geocities.com/HotSprings/8689
My Email:jackh@iamerica.net