Colonial Wills for Prince George Co, Va
Colonial Wills for Prince George Co, Virginia
Prince George Co, Va Colonial Wills page 1
© copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
NOTICE: Do NOT include in any publication,
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For your own use, provided my copyright is intact.(all wills here are from the Prince George Co, Records book fiound at the courthouse, page number/s added).
~*~ A ~*~
page 36. Will of Thomas ANDERSON, Westover Parish, Ptince George Co., "sick and weak"
To wife Mary, plantation I live on for life, during my son Charles nonage, and the increase of hogs and cattle, and choice of my beds etc, To my son James ANDERSON, plantation I now live on and ajoining land, after death of my wife, also 50 acres next to Capt. TAYLOR's cart path, being part of the Catail land, also a great chest, featherbed, ect, also a cutlass and gun
To my son Charles ANDERSON, my first lease of land at Catails, featherbed, ect., one gun formerly William LAND's.
To daughter, Mary REESE, 40 shillings, a cow, calf, and herfer.To grandson Thomas REESE a mare filly.
To daughter, Jane ANDERSON, one negro girl Hannah, and her first born, bit negro to remain with my wife for wifes life, also to ?,
featherbed, etc. cow and calf, a chest, silver tumbler, iron and pewter dishes, My wearing clothes to be equally divided between my sons James and Charles, also my working tools and books. Rest of estate to be divided between my wife and two sons by my friends William HARRISON Sr and Jethro BARKER, if living at decrease.
To my son in law William SANDERS, 500 lbs tob.
Signed: Thomas ANDERSON
Wit: William HARRISON, George HAMELTON, William SANDERS
On 11 Jun 1711, will proved by above witnesses and probate granted to the relict and James ANDERSON.
~*~ B ~*~
page 19. Will of Robert BLIGHT of Prince George. in Virginia,
"sick and weak"
To William JONES, son of Robert JONES and Hester his wife, 1 caster hat
To James JONES, son of James and Rebecca his wife, of Prince George Co., 1 serge coat, a drugget jacket woven with spots, and
pair of callimanco britches.
To Robert JONES, a drugget coat stript with white and blue stripes.
To James JONES, son of James JONES of Prince George Co.,5 yards of fine keen.
To Rebecca JONES, wife of James JONES, Jr.,one remnant of double
damask, flowered with green and yellow flowers, and 9 yards of Dowlass.
To Phil. CLAUD,8 yards of double covered damask, 1 romall handkerchief, pair of work gloves.
To James JONES, son of James JONES, Sr. all money I have in hands of Hugh HALL, Esq., in Barbadoes, and what money I have in New England, said HALL being obliged to see it forth coming.
To David JONES, son of James and Rebecca his wife, one new pocket Bible.
To Robert JONES, son of William JONES of Surrey Co, all that remains in the chest after the legacies are paid.
Beloved friend James JONES, Jr., to be executor. 16 Jan, 1710
Signed: Robert BLIGHT
13 Feb 1710---James JONES Jr. was appointed executor and will recorded.
page 13. Will of William BORNE of Bristol Parish, Prince George Co., of "sane and perfect memory"
Estate to be equally divided between Frances COLEMAN's two sons, and I make him my executor; but if he happens to die in Carolina, I make his wife my executrix. 14 Apr 1708
Signed: William (x) BORNE
Wit: Richard SMITH, Matthew ANDERSON
9 Jan 1710, proved and above witnesses and recorded
~*~ C ~*~
page 146. Will of John CLAY, "sick and weak"
To my son John CLAY, outermost part of my land, being all that between the Quacker patents, also cow and calf, sow and pigs, 1 pewter dish, 3 pewter plates, 6 pewters spoons, 1 chest and one dark bay mare, branded "FL".
To my son Charles CLAY, the other half of my land, that plantation I live on, bounded by the Quackers and Baileys Run, also a cow and calf, sow and pigs, pewter(1 dish, 3 plates, 6 spoons), 1 chest, pair of firetongs, 1 gun and white mare.
To my daughter Elizabeth CLAY, cow and calf, sow and pigs, pewter as above, and one yellow mare marked "D".
To my daughter Judith CLAY, a black mare, cow and calf, sow and pigs, pewter as above.
Son John is to have his estate at age 18, provided he gives his mother discharge for the same.
To my wife Mary CLAY, for her widowhood, two indians, Rose and Dillo, Afterward to return to my children as follows; Indian Rose to my son John and daughter Elizabeth, equally and indian man Dillo to son Charles and daughter Judith, equally, when Charles is 21.
All the rest of my estate to my wife and she to be executrix.
9 Jan 1710 John CLAY
~*~ D ~*~
page 149. Will of Thomas DANIELL of Westopher Parish, Prince George Co, "sick and weak"
To daughter Sarah DANIELL, plantation I live on, with houses and 50 acres, a cow and calf, weaving loom, flock bed, small flat dish, and a sow.
To daughter Mary DANIELL, hundred acres of land, a cow.
To daughter Ann DANIELL, featherbed, rugg and blankets, cow and calf, stillyards, an iron.
To daughter Hannah DANIELL, chest, sow.
To daughter Rebecca DANIELL, 3 year old mare, great flat dish, sow ans shoats.
To John DANIELL, son of Elzabeth DANIELL, a gun
To my brother John DANIELL,a set of copper tools.
Executors: my brothers Joseph and John DANIELL.
Dated: 15 Mar 1711 Thomas DANIELL
Wit: Phillip CLAUD, Henry LEADBETTER, Charles WILLIAMS.
Recorded: 6 Jul 1712
page 159. Will of Joseph DANIELL, of Westopher Parish, Prince George Co, "sick and weak"
To wife Elizabeth, her life to have plantation I live on, featherbed, brass kettle, small iron pot, 2 cows and calves, 2 sows, 2 deep dishes, 2 plates, 6 spoons, table and chest.
To my Joseph, my plantation after my wifes death, featherbed, 2 heifers, set of copper tools, dish, hogs and mare.
To my son Rogger, featherbed, cow, heifer, 7 hogs, deep dish, iron pott, set of iron wages, musket, sword and belt, and a mare, with first foal to my son Thomas.
To my son John, a heifer, bull, deep dish, 2 sows, 3 barrow shoats, 2 pairs stockings, 1 pair of shoes, iron pott and sword.
To my son Thomas, 2 hiefers, 2 sows, 2 barrow shoats, dish and a small gun.
To my daughter, Elizabeth DANIELL, a heifer,2 dishes , 2 plates, small brass kettle, 2 sows, 2 pr. cards.
Joseph, Rogger, John and Elizabeth to get their estates at my death, Son Thomas to live with his mother until of age.
Executors: Wife Elizabeth and son Joseph.
3 Jan 1712 Joseph DANIELL
Wit: Phillip CLAUD, Jno. POOK, William GARY
Recorded: 9 Sep 1712
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