Colonial Abstracts for Prince George Co, Va
Colonial Abstracts for Prince George Co, Virginia
Prince George Co, Va Colonial Abstracts page 1
© copyright 1999 by Linda L Chandler
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1. John MAISE s/o William MAISE dec'd, 293 acres
southside of Appomattox River, 125 acres, part thereof,
being a former patent of 250 acres granted to Ed. TOWNSTALL
& by him sold . Bounded by a great sw.(swamp?) being at the
head of the said MAISE. Patent…along Samill(Samuel?)
WOODWARDS side line, to the end of the great sw…to
The beginning. 168 acres, part thereof due for transporting
Of 4 persons: 29 Apr 1668
1. Sarzel BERRY
2. Jeremy RIGHT
3. William BELNETT
4. Jno BIRD
2. Henry LEADBEATER, 224 acres, 2 R on the south
of Appomattax River. Bounded: 99 acres 3 R, at a corner
tree of COLEMANS at the head of his land where he
now lives…to the beginning. 125 acres thereof, being a
part of a former patent of 250 acres sold to Ed. TUNSTALL
& by him to the said LEADBEATER's father. Part thereof
being due for the transport of 2 persons: 29 Apr 1668
1 Margery LUCAS
2. Mary HOUSE
3. Elias OSBORNE, 200 acres S.E. side of Wards Creek
at the mouth of Hancocks bottom, the land is due by the
transportation of 4 persons: 29 Apr 1668
2. William OSBORNE
3. Elias OSBORNE
4. Joseph OSBORNE
4. William PEBLES (PEEBLES?) 862 acres, 2 R, S. side
Of James River. Part thereof, beginning on a line formerly
Surveyed : NEWHOUSE ….to ye Birchen Sw(swamp?) to
The beginning. 388 acres, 16 poles, the residue,… the head
Of a bottom nigh ye old Towne, to ye Westward of Thomas
NEWHOUSE his corner to the beginning. There being 473
Acres, 3 R, 24 poles, by patent 30 Jul 1670; the remainder
Being 2 R, 16 poles, …by transporting 7 persons:
3 Nov 1673
2. Robert COCKE
4. Eliza JETTLY
7. Henry MADEBEY
5.Robert COLEMAN, Sr. 283 acres, 14 poles, S. side of Appamatox
River, 207 acres thereof formerly granted to Mr. Walter CHILES
and by him sold and assigned to said Robert COLEMAN Sr. 2 acres
at the head thereof was granted to Henry LEADBEATER and by him
and by him sold and assigned to the said Robert COLEMAN---to
Poiney Swamp--- to the beginning. The said land was due for the
transporting of two persons. 29 Dec 1668.
Tho. Pampin
William Jenkins
6. Capt Francis EPPS, 1980 acres, south side of James River,
On the south side of the Appomattock river, 280 acres on Capt
BATTS-----on the head of Walter BROOKS, Nicholas TATUM,
Jno. BAKER and 700 acres, being formerly granted to the said
Francis EPPS by patent 23 an. 1653 & renewed in the name of
His by patent 17 Mar 1663, and 1700 acres, the residue, formerly
Granted to the said Capt EPPS 29 May 1638 and bounded:------
Upon Hayly's Creek----upon Carson's Creek, up Appomattock
River and north on the main River, 4 Oct 1668
7. Thomas NEWHOUSE, 1050 acres, south side of James River
Bounded: ---nigh to Mr SPARROW his land ----to Burchen Swamp
-----to the beginning the land was due by transportation of 21 persons
15 Jul 1669
1. Edward ELLIS 12. Lawrence ELLIS Jr
2. Roger RIEESE 13. Jno. BALL
3. Hugh BARROW 14. James OKELDRY
4. Judith AVERY 15. Daniel LAWMAN
5. Francis POYSEN 16. Ann DANBY
6. William HIND 17. Jno. CROMWELL
7. John WARD 18. Jno. YAPP
8. Ellener FOWKE 19. David (a Scotsman)
9. Thomas MALLORY 20. Thomas FITCHETT
10. Jno. BARDOE
11. James CABBOCK (only 20 persons listed)
8. Jno. HOWELL , a Dev'd called Bakers, 203 acres, 32 poles, nigh
The mouth of Appomattox River. Bounded: at a gut parting Nathanel
TATUM and the said HOWELL ----to the clear field-----to Cawsons
Creek-----to the beginning. This land was formerly granted to the said
HOWELL for a greater grant of acres, but upon re-survey it is found
But the quantity above, 18 Aug 1669
9. William HARRISON (which side is not stated, but possibly here)
300 acres, being part of a patent granted to Jno. FREEMEN, escheated,
Inq. Henry RANDOLPH, Deputy esch'r. for the said Co, jury 16 June 1668
Being granted to Thomas CALLOWAY and now granted to the said
William HARRISON, 24 Jul 1669
10. Anthony WYATT, 398 acres granted to George POTTER dec'd lately
Escheated, Inq. Before Henry RANDOLPH. Deputy esch'r for the said Co,
Jury 16 June 1668, granted now to Anthony WYATT, 24 July 1669
11. Morris ROSE 300 acres, formerly granted to Thomas COLE, escheated,
Inq. Before Hery RANDOLPH, Deputy esch'r for the Co. jury 16 June 1668
Now granted to Morris ROSE, 24 April 1669
12. John WEST, 100 acres granted to John PRATT dec'd and lately escheated
Inq. Before Henry RANDOLPH, Deputy esch'r for the Co,22 June 1668, now
Granted to John WEST, 24 July 1669.
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