"Indian Blessing"

Now you will feel no rain, for each of you

will be shelter to the other....

Now you will feel no cold, for each of you

will be warmth to the other....

Now there will be no more loneliness....

Now you are two persons, but there is only

one life before you....

Go now to your dwelling place, to enter into

the days of your life together....

And may your days be good, and long upon

the earth!!

(Adapted from the Paiute Indian)

...to learn How This Virtual Love Story All Began, Follow these Links...

Wink & Addy's Place, "The Beginning"

"The Rendezvous"...The Further Adventures of Wink & Addy

An Answered Prayer


Wink & Addy's Wedding... The Final Page in the Wink & Addy Episode

Visit The World of Zeneau

Mystical Magic

Virgo's Virtual Visions

Wink's Hangout

Tarot & I Ching Readings by Wink and Addy

Please Come Back & See Us, the Best Is Yet To Come, See above Link for WINK & ADDY"S WEDDING.........

Song playing, "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult, "Especially for Wink", I Love Ya Darlin',Addy

Wink & Addy, June 8, 1998