My name is Wink, I am a computer tech & web page designer & live in New Hampshire. I am interested in the occult, the Tarot & computers. Addy & I met via a mututal acquaintance in Cyberspace. We have communicated via a chat program & email for quite awhile & have really enjoyed getting to know each other.
My name is Addy, I work as a magazine circulation coordinator & I live in California. I am interested in the supernatural, paranormal activity & an addicted to computers. And Wink is the light of my life.
On Valentine's Day in February of 1998, Wink sent me a virtual Valentine card followed by a personal phone call & our friendship took off like a bird in flight. Through regular communication, we discovered that 90% of our interests were mutual. With Winks expertise help I designed & created my first web page.
As time progressed, Addy & I have fallen deeply in love & we will finally get to be together in April. We are both very anxious for that special day when we can hold each other & express our love for one another.
As a Special Tribute of our love, we have designed & created this page together & would like to dedicate it to other couples who have met in Cyberspace & fallen in love on the internet.
Our true story only further proves that if you Believe in Love, anything is possible. Happy Surfing...... Wink & Addy, March 8, 1998
Further Adventures of Wink & Addy, " The Rendezvous