I made the trip to California and met Addy in person. The love that had grown between us via the Internet was no longer a figment of our imagination. Our dreams & visions of each other, once a virtual reality, were now very real...

The love that we share is a deep and spiritual love, as beautiful as the dreams we had dreamt together in our many chats online.

My plans of my moving to California have changed, and are now reversed.

On June 30th, I am relocating to New Hampshire to be with Wink at his home in the White Mountains.

Wink is one of the most caring, sensitive and loving people I have ever met and our love is a love to be nutured & cherished. I look forward to meeting his family, and sharing the rest of my life with him. One of the more important aspects is that we are Best Friends and our love is a love that many people never have an opportunity to experience.

We are truly happy that Gods love brought us together through the virtual world of computers, giving us both new spiritual motivation in relation to love and life in the physical world....

Good luck to all the other couples that have shared a similiar experience. We hope that your relationships work out as well as ours have.

Since the conception of this page, Wink has asked me to marry him and I have accepted. Our wedding date is October 10, 1998 in Lisbon, New Hampshire.

The Truth is Out There.....

Wink & Addy "The Beginning"

Wink & Addys Place

Answered Prayer


Mystical Magic

Virgo's Virtual Vision

Wink's Hangout

Get Your Tarot & I Ching Readings at Wink and Addys New Page

The World of Zeneau

Wink & Addy United

Wink and Addy... May 2, 1998