
The Lord Bless you, and keep you safe in His care

The Lord watch over you and love you

when I cannot be there

May His Love shine upon you as the time goes by

So fears you may feel disappear into the sky.....

God grant you the strength to continue on,

He will guide you daily, keep you safe and strong.

Like the Stones of Stonehenge ,

grant you insight to see;

God be with you always, till you return to me

Keep believing, keep loving, keep your constant prayer

And feel in your heart, that I will always be there.

To Honor and Love you as time passes by,

To hold you, to comfort you till the day that I die.

The Love we share is natural,

like the waves of the sea,

God gave us His Blessings, so we could be free.

An Eternal Love is ours to behold

Like the stars in the sky, like a Band of Gold.

Our Love is as pure as the driven snow

Our Love together will continue to grow.

Happiness surrounds us,

like the air that we breathe;

Forever and Always it's ours to conceive.

Written by Adelle Cook April 16, 1998

in honor of the Love between

Wink & Addys Place

" The Rendezvous ",Further Adventures of Wink & Addy

Answered Prayer

Mystical Magic

The World of Zeneau

Wink & Addy United

Wink's Hangout

Tarot & IChing Readings by Wink and Addy

Virgo's Virtual Visions