
Welcome to my new space on the internet

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"); myWindow.document.write("" + " Click 'n' Surf Jukeboxtm
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Some other pages you might like to visit.

Jessi's Homepage (My Oldest Daughter) NEW

Hippyfrogs Pad (My Youngest Daughter)

Paul's Place (My Sons)

Candy's Page (sending lots of love to you)

My Sister Terri's Site (Cross Stitching)

Friends Links

Family Pics

My Webrings

Awards from friends

Wolf/Dog Page

My hobbies are gardening, computers, I enjoy making graphics and I am in a lot of memberships. RAOK, LOTH, Rosegarden, Paint Shop Pro Usergroup, Cyber Crew and Graphix Group also The Gardenhouse and last but not least Friendship Garden. You can find me roaming the forums, in icq or just having fun surfing.


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