vampire: a reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping persons; one who preys on others

the english word vampire comes from the hungarian vampir and may have been taken originally from the turkish word uber, meaning witch.

varcolaci: the Rumanian name for the vampire.

dracul: devil
ghost: the spirit of a dead person, supposed to haunt or appear to living persons.

ghoul: an evil spirit in Moslem folklore that plunders graves and feeds on corpses.

vampyre ankh

Viscious creatures of the night
Aching for fresh blood
Melting into dark shadows
Pursuing their cursed lives
Inviting innocent lives
Ruthlessly into an
Endless dark world, while they try to
Swim out of their black emptiness

some of my vampire favorites...

Shattered Glass ~ Stephen Austra is a prominent artist, renowned for his wondrous restorations of stained glass in cathedrals and churchs. He is also a vampire. But he respects ordinary human lives, and would never hurt a soul. Or so his lover, Helen Wells, desperately wants to believe...

Blood Rites ~ like any great artist, Helen Wells craved immortality. Now, through the unholy kiss of Stephen Austra, her vampire lover, she can taste eternity. But her passion demands a cruel price-her utter surrender to the darkest animal urges...the aching need to drink...At first, Helen resists the savage nature of this strange new life. Until a hired killer begins to stalk her family. Some men deserve to die. And some hungers demand to be fed.

Blood Alone ~ Paul Stoddard came to Europe to learn of the antique art of glassmaking. But there, in the shadow of rising Nazism, he fell in love with a beautiful, seductive woman. A woman of many secrets. Her family, the proud and noble Austras, are vampires. Her cousin has been sent to a concentration camp. And now Paul has decided to join the vampires' war...against the Reich.

Daughter of the Night ~ As beautiful and cruel as a wild animal, Elizabeth Bathori cast a shadow of terror across Europe. Seducing. Killing. Bathing in the blood of the innocent. Thousands feared her savage quest for immortality-but few knew the source of her inspiration: Catherine Austra, who came to Elizabeth in the night. Catherine, who possessed the dark gift she craved. Catherine, whose full red lips held the secret of eternity...The kiss of a vampire.

by Elaine Bergstrom

Interview with the Vampire
The Vampire Lestat
Memnoch the Devil
by Anne Rice

The Summoning ~ Like the desert that surrounded the dusty Arizona town of Rio Verde-population ten thousand-the first dead body was found completely dry, purged of all blood. The sheriff, the state police, even the FBI thought it was the work of a serial killer; a case that could be solved by routine investigation. No one in Rio Verde wanted to believe in monsters. But Sue Wing's grandmother did. She'd seen the creature decades ago in China. She knew how such a monster appeared to its victims...the seductive guises it could take, and the terror and destruction it thrived upon. No one in Rio Verde believed in monsters. But a monster had come, thirsting for more than blood...and it would not leave until it had drunk its fill.
by Bentley Little


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