when i scream no one hears it and what remains inside this broken soul no one sees it, how jumbled my feelings are and yet how perfectly consealed, my world echos with pain and i am nothing...
my life is broken, there is nothing left. i can feel myself slipping away. i want to come...oh how i strive. but, do not wait for me, i have gone. they took me, captured my very being. they hurt me, and the tears they flow. there is no me anymore, they made sure of that. i am crushed, broken, mangled...destroyed. though my body is locked, my mind has escaped. i cannot go, there is no way to free myself. i do not fight, there is none left in me. i cannot run, cannot break free. my spirit has left me, my shell now broken, all hope is lost. day after day, my eyes they tear and my hands, how violently they shake for it is cold. and i beg to be released, though i cannot go. and so it is my love you cannot wait, the time will not be short. but come i will, come i will...
you are dark child number born of the sepulcher
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