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Beer Beard? Well, it was given to me one night at Hooter's
by my friends, Dewey and Mark (pictures of our unruly gang will appear on this
page soon as I get a scanner). We were generally having fun, telling jokes and
firing off stingers at anyone who said anything that could be made into
something embarrassing or funny. We, of course did this at the most inconvenient
time, lets say when the person we were cutting had a full mouth of drink. I'm
sure you know it's hard to swallow and laugh at the same time, causing the
person to either turn blue or spew the drink uncontrollably. Dewey was the first
to fall, becoming Spewey Dewey. I was the next unfortunate victim, I however did
not spew, I held it in as long as possible, trying to avoid such an embarrassing
fate, but the beverage (Beer)
started dribbling down the sides of my mouth, through my
beard. That was the night the nickname Beer
Beard was born. What was said?.............Sorry , you had to be
there, besides I'm trying to keep this a family oriented page. Mark has yet to
be a victim, but we're still trying to knock the king off his throne. Mark the
Shark will someday fall.
"If life is what you make it, then I'll make mine a
Customer sitting at a table with allot of Friends and a plate full of
Buffalo Wings Hotter than all HELL,
and a Sinfully Delicious Pitcher of
Ice Cold BEER
, being waited on
by an Angel with a Heavenly
Body in Orange Short Shorts
and a tied up T-shirt "
Beer Beard 1996

I live in the heart of the South Augusta
Georgia. Augusta is most well known for hosting one of golf's most
prestigious events, the Master's
Golf Tournament. The Tournament is held yearly at the Augusta
National Golf Course
and golf fans from around the world come to see the play. Augusta is a
historic City as well, founded in 1736 on the banks of the Savannah River
as an Indian trading post, Augusta was named in honor of the Princess of Wales.
Augusta is Georgia's second oldest and second largest city. For more information
on Historic Augusta just click on the old Cotton Exchange Building. Built
in 1886, this building served as the headquarters for the booming cotton trade
which made Augusta the second largest inland cotton market in the world. It now
serves as the home of the Cotton Museum and the city's official welcome center
and includes changing exhibition galleries.

Growing Older, not up
Me, well "I'm
growing older, but not up" and will turn 40 in November so you
could say that this "Pirate
looks at Forty" more closely than he use to. But I'm not too
worried because "
I'm a Schoolboy at Heart" and "Come
Monday" I'll go to lunch and pretend I'm sitting under a
"Lone Palm" eating a "Cheeseburger
in Paradise" over looking "That
one Particular Harbor"" listening to Jimmy on my CD player
sing "Margaritaville".
I just keep hoping that when the "Wildlife
Betrays Me" that I will have found that "Browned
Eyed Girl" who can save me.
A Pirate looking at 40
!!! The rest of this paragraph may be boring to
you guy's out there reading this, but you may be able to relate.
I am single, 6’ 1" tall with hazel eyes and as you may be able to see
from the picture I have dark hair ( what the picture doesn’t show however are
the gray highlights that are starting to show up, but I’d rather be gray than
bald.) I have a mustache and goatee. I won’t mention my weight because I could
stand to lose some pounds. I don’t think that I am that bad looking of a
fellow. I will be the first to admit that I have no clue as to what women want
now a days, but I don’t feel alone because from what I can see from some of my
friends relationships they have no clue either. I guess that I’m just an old
fashion romantic and some times I feel I belong to a bygone era that no longer
exist. This is why the song "A Pirate Looks at
Forty" seems to be my theme song. I still enjoy candle lit
dinners, walking hand in hand, opening doors and giving flowers just for the
hell of it without any reason at all. Now it seems that opening a door for a
lady is considered to be an act of chauvinism and the gift of flowers is a ruse
or an admission that some sort of guilt is being covered up. I was once told by
a female friend that I spoil the ladies I date too much, and that wasn’t what
women wanted and they would just take advantage of my good nature. Even though
her statement so far has proven to be true, I still hope that somewhere out
there is still a lady who will admire these out dated traits and take me as I
am. Unfortunately I haven’t had the chance to spoil anyone lately. I am
looking forward to finding that someone special someday, and settling down and
raising some young-uns’ as we say down here in the south.
My Love of the Sea and Sailing - Summer's at the Beach
My family never had a whole lot of money as I grew up, but we
always managed to go to the beach during the summer. Sometimes if would be
for a day, sometimes a whole week. My parents, god bless them, would take not
only me and my two sister's, but my Uncles would give dad some money to take my
cousins with us to. So it would be Mom, Dad me and about five teenage
girls. Of course where there be teenage girls, teenage boyfriends and
their friends are bound to follow. These guys weren't hippies, this was
even before that all started. These were just clean cut neat guy's, most
of them played musical instruments and were band members of the High
School. They brought their own money, guitars and other instruments and
provided good entertainment, in more ways than one.
You have to realize that this was in the mid-sixties and things
were different back then, when you went to the beach, that's just about all
there was. It was a simpler time, I know that sounds cliché, but of
course I'm remembering things from the eye's of a five or six year
old. The Beatles blared out of the small new and improved
transistor radios and the jukebox at the pier's pavilion, where we would all go
and play the arcade games and the girls and guy's would dance.
There were bon fires on the beach, hot dog and mash mellow roast, ghost stories,
and tales of pirates treasure. We would walk along the beach at night and
and skim the top of the damp sand with our toes to see the phosphorus
glow, and watch the sky for shooting stars and meteors, and spy on the sea
turtles as the came in to lay their eggs on the beach. During the
day we flew kite's, swam, and built castles in the sand, the guy's talked about
how they hoped their numbers wouldn't come up, so they could stay away from
Vietnam. Yes it was simpler time, if you were a child.
When did I become a Parrott Head:
Well, that's sort of funny. You see I was a parrot head before I knew I was
one. I knew the songs but didn't realize that Jimmy Buffett was the singer. I
remember taking my little guitar to school when I was in 7th or 8th ( this was
in the 70's) grade and playing Margaritaville, and trying to Pencil Thin
Moustache, I was still learning the guitar at the time. My songs didn't impress
the other kids because they were into KISS and other Heavy Metal Bands. But the
song Margaritaville just got to me even then, and it wasn't about the Margarita,
it was about
on Sponge Cake, Watching the sun bake, all of those tourist covered with oil,
Strumming my Six String on my Front porch swing, smell them shrimp they're begin
'n to boil. "
it was the place, and that place was the beach. Playing it I could just
imagine living there.
on a pop top Blew out my Flip Flops Cut my Heel had to limp on back home"
That actually had happened to me one summer as a kid on vacation at Edisto
Beach, or Fripp Island, but it wasn't a pop top it was a hot coal that had been
covered with sand, so I could relate to that.
Anyhow time goes on. I still remember the ole songs, one day I while I was
manager on duty at a well know Video Store, one of my employee's asked if she
could put Live by the Bay on the over head Monitors, I looked at the box, and
was about to say no, when I saw that the Title to one of the Songs was
Margaritaville, so I said sure why not. I watched the video and was hooked from
then on.
 | Diploma Industrial Drafting
 | Assoc. Degree in Electronic Engineering Technologies
 | Assoc. Degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technologies
 | A+ Certified - Computer Standards Testing
 | Hewlett Packard Certifications
 | HP
 | HP
DeskWriter C, 520,550C, 560C DIAGNOSTIC
 | HP
DeskJet 500C, 520,550C, 560C Diagnostic
 | HP
LaserJet 4/4M/4+/4M+/5/5M/ & 5N
 | HP
Ether Twist Bldg./Jet Direct
Interest and Hobbies
 | Electronics
 | Computers
 | Radios
 | Calculator's
 | GPS
 | PDA's
 | Generally anything that has lots of buttons and settings I can
thoroughly mess with, and sometimes have the device still work
when I'm through playing with it.
 | Lakes, River Ocean's
 | Sailing-Armchair variety now.
 | History
 | Racing
 | Cruising
 | Navigation
 | Snorkeling
 | One day Dream of SCUBA.
 | White Water Rafting
 | Fishing
 | Music
 | Guitar's
 | Peavey T60 Electric
 | AMP Finder Vibro-Champ -Old uses Tubes, no transistor's
in this baby.
 | Sea Gull Acoustic with built in Pick-up.
 | Oscar Schmidt Acoustic - Cheap but works in a bind when
someone shows up and wants something to play.
 | Lyric's and composition
 | Cooking
 | Bar-B-Que
 | Grilling - They aren't the same by the way, but I won't get on my soap
box about that.
 | Hot 'n Spicy
 | Southern Cuisine - It's what I was raised on.
 | Low Fat/High Fiber - Now on a Diet lost 8 inches in the waist so far.
So not being able to cook all of the above is a struggle.
I mostly play Jimmy Buffett (who’d a thunk it huh?) the Eagles, and
some Country and old Rock. I have played in a Honky-Tonk or two in my younger
days and have a few scars to prove it. Now I mostly play with my Brother-In-Law
(BIL) and for friends.
Now a Quick short story I like to tell. A little over a year ago I was at
Hilton Head Island S. C. (the same time of the pictures you see on this Page) on
a family vacation with the BIL and the Sister and the rest of the crew.
We were staying at the Island Club. My BIL and I went down to the Deck
over looking the Beach with a Cooler of beer and our guitars. It wasn’t long
when some Younger (18-25 I’d guess) people showed up, They loved it when we
Played the Buffett Songs "Let’s get Drunk",
"Margaritaville" "Treat Her Like a Lady" and many others,
and it didn’t take long before they started dancing on the Deck and there was
a Party going on. It got a little late ( to tell the Truth we ran out of beer
& BTW we didn’t contribute to the minors) They wanted us to stay a little
longer, we said we’ll be back tomorrow night. We didn’t know that night was
our last on the island, we had to evacuate the next day due to a Hurricane, but
at least our last night was a blast.
That’s about all I can think of right now.
Sam aka Beer Beard