Pvt. Harry Shaw,

Co. B 11th Kentucky Cavalry, CSA

13-Star "Stars and Bars"

First to Raise the "Stars and Bars" over the Kentucky State Capitol During the "War Between the States".

First to Raise the "Stars and Stripes" over the Old Kentucky State Capitol during World War I

An old newspaper clipping from June 30, 1938 gives the following account:

Shaw Placed Flag On Pole

"War Between the States Veteran Lifted Stars, Stripes Over Capitol"


"Harry Shaw, an old Confederate soldier in Frankfort, who died several years ago, probably was the only old veteran in Central Kentucky who, like Col. "Dick" Redd, up until his recent death, always was surrounded by children who clamored for his "war stories" and invariably called for the "rebel yell" at the finish."

"Harry was custodian of the Old Capitol at Frankfort in the days before the Kentucky Historical Society opened and installed their museum in the building; and after showing visitors through the century-old capitol, he gathered the party around him on the front steps and sang, "Morgan's Raiders", and "The Girl I Left Behind Me", winding up with the "rebel yell" and with distributing copies of the songs used by Morgan's men."

"Upon the entrance of the United States into the World War, the Old Capitol was taken over by the federal government as a sub-station for the manufacture of army shirts.  On the day the shirt depot opened, a ceremony was held in connection with the raising of the American flag on a large pole by the federal authorities."

"While the arrangements for the ceremony were being made, it developed that Harry Shaw, while with Morgan's men, had participated in the capture of Frankfort and that he accompanied a Captain from Louisiana who climbed on top of the Old Capitol, lowered the "Stars and Stripes" and raised the "Stars and Bars".

"Harry came to the local committee in charge of the ceremony, told them of the Frankfort raid, and the deed of the Louisiana Captain and himself, and asked the privilege of "restoring Old Glory", now that the United States had declared war on Germany.  The privilege was granted and Harry, after bowing his bared head and with tears in his eyes, hoisted the flag to the top of the pole and then gave the "rebel yell" for Uncle Sam."

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Background sound, "The Girl I Left Behind Me" is from MIDI file produced by Bryan Taylor.
"13 Star Stars and Bars" courtesy of  Riad Dagher.
Newspaper article thanks to Sam Flora of the Morgan's Men Association.