"Tumbling Tumbleweed"
My Tucson Home

Even though I was born in the east (I try to forget all about that), my parents and I moved to Tucson, Arizona, in 1944 so I definitely call that beautiful oasis in the Sonoran Desert my "REAL HOME". I want to share some of that beauty with you, some favorite western music, and a couple of photos to boot.

Tucson is a little over 2,100 feet above sea level and is a real oasis surrounded by four mountain ranges: Santa Catalina to the north, Rincon to the east, Santa Rita to the west, and Tucson to the west. The most familiar mountains to you are probably the Tucson Mountains where hundreds of great western movies and TV series have been filmed in a real pioneer town now called "Old Tucson". In the 1800's, it was the original "Tucson", and the buildings you saw in the movies and on TV are the original buildings.

All things western quickly became my entire life. The pace of living is liesurely and everyone is so laid back, friendly, unpretentious and sunny (360 days of the year)---who could NOT get used to THAT? Every February, there is a week called "Rodeo Week" when we could wear western clothes to school, there was a huge parade downtown, and we saw the best cowboys come to town to compete in the daily Rodeos (for the uninitiated, that is pronouned "ro-day'-o").

When I was going to school, I used to listen to the Sons of The Pioneers every morning on the radio. Their music fast became ingrained in my being, and still today brings back the most wonderful memories every time I hear it.
"Tumbling Tumbleweed" is their theme song, which is what you are listening to now.

To listen to them actually singing,
Click on this Wav File console

I attended Tucson High School when it was only one of two high schools in town, rivaled by Amphitheater High. Our sports teams were "Badgers"; we were State Champions then, and I hear we are STILL champions today! Some of the students have built a very nice web site if you would like to surf. (Hey! Frank Borman went there!)


Throughout junior and high school, my favorite sport was baseball, and our local baseball team at that! It was a "C" League team known then as the "TUCSON COWBOYS", and played in Randolph Field. Now, they are the "TUCSON TOROS" and play in the same field renamed "Hi Corbett Field".

This was/is my all-time favorite Mexican restaurant when I was growing up. Now they have "grown up" too, and are on-line with their history, a recipe or two, and a store where you can order their products. Visit their web site to learn more.




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