
I have made so many new friends who, have gone out of their way to e-mail me their encouragement and best wishes. To them I say a big thank you.
And to you, fellow surfer, I don't mind your silence. I appreciate the fact that you are here, anyway!
Do visit again. I keep adding new selections every week or so.

Jeanne Coello
Bombay, May 2003

PS. The comments below, relate to all three of my MIDI music pages. You will find the links to the other pages if you scroll down.

"I'm sure that there are many persons like me who very much appreciate both your outstandingly versatile musical talents and your willingness to share them. I can't tell you how exciting it was to find your jazz site... - Brian Stross http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~strossb/index.html

"I have to thank you soooo much for having this midi. (Bumble Boogie)My mother used to play it on the piano and I loved it so much. I haven't been able to hear anyone play it for a long time. She'll be gone for 24 years this week and you have brought me so much happiness I can't thank you enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU" - Jamie ;-)

"Just discovered your site. It really is exclusive... your site has some absolutely great jazz sequences." - Ivan Peres. Gold Coast Australia

" I stumbled across your web pages doing a search for Midi files. They are great!! In fact I have not gone back to my search results because I have been so enjoying your pages!" - Gina http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/5729/Carousel.htm

"Thank you for the beautiful music and your willingness to share." - gkillion

"Excellent sequences.Thanks for the way-cool we page and music." Fred Newman

"Jeanne: Just downloaded your pianobar and bandstand midi files. They are great! Thank you so much for your effort in putting them on the internet for all of us to enjoy." Dr. Claude S. Hayden Bellingham, Washington, USA

"I am yet another who stumbled onto your wonderful site and stayed for hours downloading like crazy. I especially enjoyed the UnClassic Classics. I have a Soundblaster Live soundcard hooked up to a pretty powerful speaker system and your arrangments sound awesome. Oh for just a wee bit of your great talent. Many thanks for an enjoyable afternoon." - Charles Webb

" You have an impressive set of pages - if you added nothing else, it would still be one of the finest music site's I've ever seen.Thanks for the fine music." - Tim Eagen Santa Fe, New Mexico USA http://www.trail.com/~finnian/music/jazz.htm

" I decided to search for the "Blue Rondo a la Turk" and was directed to your website. I was amazed and ended up downloading almost all of your tunes. Ciao" - Norbert

"Hi there! Just stumbled in while looking for information about certain jazz numbers or -composers. Data were needed for a gig with my band: The Tin Pan Alley Jazzband from Enkhuizen, Holland (a.k.a. The Netherlands). Who would have expected to get such a fine example of, for instance, The Entertainer, all the way from Bombay? Keep up the good work, I will surf in again." Simon.

"I've just found this site and I find it amazing. I'm a muisic teacher and the resource this site offers is amazing. Many Thanks!!!" - Mark Fidler

"Great music - thank you for giving me a happy evening !" - SFitzM

"J.C., You have a great jazz page,I really enjoyed listening to the sounds on it. And an extra thanks for the Brubeck you have included in the page.. Thanks" - Mike Romer J.C.N.J.

" I stumbled onto your site by accident while searching for piano MIDI's and spent over 3 hours on it listening to your beautiful music. You have a great talent and must have put in a lot of time to get this good. I sent you my list of requests. Pick your favorites or do them all if you wish. Do some more of Art Tatum if you get time. You are a true master of the piano. Thanks for a great site." - Bob Martino.

"Hello, Just wanted to say I enjoyed your page. I really enjoyed your arrangements - must have been fun to write them!" -Michael L. Smith

"While searching the net tonite for a suitable MIDI file of a piano work which we could use on our town's web site as background music, I came across your site, and some lovely piano pieces. Question: Could we have permission to use one of your pieces, with credits and link to your site, on our photo page?" - Pete Holmes
Visit Palm-Beach Shores, Florida at: http://townhall.ci.palm-beach-shores.fl.us/
Pete also plays piano! Visit him at: http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/5861/

"My name is John Cortes and I live in Monterey, CA; USA. I am a sax player and I am always looking for sequences to play with. I really enjoyed your midi file on Brubeck's a la Turk. Great job!"

"What an incredible hoot this is, I love it." - Joe Pardue

"Hi Jeanne, I very much enjoy your renditions of The Theme from Swan Lake and your Moonlight Sonata. I am writing to ask your permision to use these files on the Sew For the Cure(tm) Website, an effort by the Home Sewing Association to raise $1 million dollars for breast cancer research. The music will be used for virtual greeting cards to be sent to breast cancer patients. You can learn more at http://www.sewforthecure.org/ Thank You Very Much." - Bob Langdon, webmaster@sewforthecure.org
You can send a virtual greeting card by visiting http://www.sewforthecure.org/card2.html

"Fantastical re-arrangements of classic music - and your piano-pieces are very good as well!!!! So 'through the wire' / round the world: Thank you very much indeed!" - Karl-Heinz Bruchhausen, Düsseldorf / Germany

"I stumbled across your web pages doing a search for Midi files. They are great!! In fact I have not gone back to my search results because I have been so enjoying your pages!" - Gina, Colorado Springs, CO http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/5729/Carousel.htm

"Thank you for sending your beautiful jazz sounds around the world via GeoCities. My wife and I are retired, both in our 60's, and we spend a lot of time on the computer. We live in Fremont California, USA, near Sanfrancisco. We really enjoy your mellow music."- Kay and Jackie Springer

"Hi, loved the Midi's and enjoyed your site... Aloha from Hawaii... Keep up the good work..."
Dave.... aka CaptainDT

"You have a great jazz page,I really enjoyed listening to the sounds on it. And an extra thanks for the Brubeck you have included in the page... Thanks" - Mike Romer J.C.N.J.

"Great music - thank you for giving me a happy evening !" - S. FitzM

"Keep up the GREAT work. . . you really make my day. . . thanks!" - HOWLING


"Thanks for your beautiful music." Bill Wickstead. (New Zealand)

"Nice site!!!! Thanks for the downloads! Keep up with the piano solos they're great!" Jim Moore

"Hi! My name is Stacy, and I live in San Antonio Texas. I just saw your Jazz Cafe' Site and it is awesome!!! I wish you the best of luck ith the rest of your sites."

"I stumbled across your web pages doing a search for Midi files. They are great!! In fact I have not gone back to my search results because I have been so enjoying your pages!" Gina, Colorado Springs, CO http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/5729/Carousel.htm

"...thank you for providing such a lovely site, and, judging from the responses on your "Friends" page, such a rich source of pleasure to so many people. I'm pleased, and privileged, to be numbered amongst them." Phil Platt - Visit Phil's website featuring his poetry: http://www.philipgrae.dabsol.co.uk

"I am a 71 year old great grandmother and listening to the midi's on your page has brought back so many memories. I don't know if it is just me but I don't think they know how to write good music anymore, or it that the public does not know any better?" - Helen Carlin

"My name is Dick Rizzo and I live in Westminster,California. You are terrific! Can't tell you how much I enjoy your Midi sequences. I especially like the Art Tatum (greatest jazz pianist ever) sequences. I hope you do more of those."

"First good excuse to go out and find a way to plug my sound card into my stereo. Doggone. Thanks to you I have to re-arrange the furniture." - Buchanan McDaniels You can find Beech at: http://members.tripod.com/Beech/

"I have just been listening to some of the most wonderful music on the web. Needless to say it was on your pages. So relaxing, romantic, and just plain lovely!" - Annie V. Visit Annie's Patriotic American Pages at:

"I love your geocities pages ... I wish to link to your pages .... I am a jazz lover and admire your taste and talents..." Tim Hall aka 'Timbo' / 'Groovedude'. Visit Timbo at: http://www.wvadventures.net/home/groove/ & http://www.geocities.com/soho/6648/

"Thanks for a very enjoyable hour I just passed listening to your Piano Bar. The selections and arrangements are great! I've saved them all for playback when I need inspiration for my own playing. I've briefly checked out the classical page as well and will save that for another special session on the web. Thanks again for a great site. Peace..." Alan Cameron

"I found a lot of nice music in your web site. I will often visit your homepage to listen to your music." Takashi Kumon, Japan.

"There's an awful lot of awful music on the net. I was very pleased to hear your first class renditions of these great songs. Thanks for the downloads." Dave MacPherson, Canada.

"I'm always amazed what people do for love. I'm a trumpet player in Tampa, Florida. Thanks Jeanne for giving people like me a way to play music with others I normally wouldn't have the chance." Furman "Whit" Whitaker

"I've just been listening to some of your music---bought a computer for the home last week and dug up the address to your musical web-sites. you are really good--- keep up the goodwork with the music" Stephen Kerr

"Excellent sequences. I'd love to download a few to hear on better equipment than my laptop. How do I do that? Thanks for the way-cool we page and music." Fred Newman
(Since these are MIDI files there are only two options, Fred. Listen to them on a computer with a better sound system or, via a multitimbral MIDI synth with a facility for loading MIDI files. - JC.)

" This is the music I love. Thanks for a great sequence.* I play a half dozen instruments, read and write music for them and I am just now learning the ultimate musical instrument, the computer..... You are an inspiration to me. I would love to download any other great files that you have made. Let me and mi amigos know where to get more great music." Bradley Dawson (*Bradley is referring to Kathy's Waltz at Jazz Cafe)

"... we went through your site -- the jazz one -- and were absolutely enchanted. And reading all the email you've got was quite exciting...Have you found a drummer for Take 5? Please let us know when that comes up." Mrunalini and Arun Katiyar

"Great web pages.....congratulations to you..." Shiv Mathur

"What can I add to the accolades for your website... awesome, creative, easy listening, enthralling at times, passionate... it is by far the best midi page we have found on the web ... we have downloaded every one of your songs, from every category, and will spend many hours listening to them ... thank you for such great selections." Laura

"I must tell you that I really enjoyed listening to the handful of pieces that I tried out. I am looking forward to gradually going through the whole on-line repertoire! Heartiest congratulations!" Kalpana Kathrani

Congratulations, very tasteful selection of classic music. Hope you can add some more as time goes by. Erwin Landsberger

"Thank you for the time you have spent. This old jazz lover is finding a smaller world to listen in. The "music" my 15 and16 year olds listen to is about to drive me to drink. Come to think of it, a small glass with ice, two fingers high would be just right to sip and listen to my sub woofer pound out the low sounds of your collection. Thanks for your preservation effort." Jim Swaidner

"This is amazing what you do with MIDI. One might have thought it is music for machines. More power to you, don't lose the faith. Hope you don't mind if I link a song or two to a professional Chopin pianist home page." Yvonne
Visit Yvonne Szymanski's page at:http://www.loop.com/~najmici/index.htm

"Hi Jeanne. Just surfing around and found your page. I like the music." Randy Hinton,USA.

"Your arrangements are suberb. I am glad you came by. I feel you are doing a missionary thing for music.
Peace and Harmony." John Beddow

"I think this is my new absolute favorite page on the web! Thank you." Beth (The Steinbergs)

"Your web is very nice, carry on !" Pascal Cherrier
R&D Engineer, France Telecom

" Hi, My name is Marie and I want to let you know that I used your Bumble Boogie song on my homepage. I really enjoy returning to your page to just listen to the songs. Thank you." Marie
Visit Marie's page at: http://members.aol.com/CrabbyAss2/index.html

"... enjoyed your site very much, Thank you and I passed it to all the other seniors I know , who love this music and appreciate it. Thank you again." Desert Gal

" I visited all three of your sites. I started with the Jazz (loved it) and that led me to the Unclassic Classics (marvelous) and on to the Piano Works (superb). I'm not a musician, in fact I think that I may have a tin ear ;-) but I love (good) music and really enjoyed yours." Don Henley
Visit Don Henley's page of out-of-the-ordinary views at: http://www.don-henley.com/

" Hello from Montreal. Que. I am sending you this message to thank you for the wonderful music you play. I am not very good in English but I will try to do my best, in trying to express what I feel in my heart when I hear classical music, it is like a breeze in my heart and I get goose pimples every time it touches me..You are a lucky girl to be able to touch people like that. Hope know that I have your URL to listen more of it. See you again and many thanks for that." Doris.

"In The Mood overrides everything but I enjoyed the visit anyway." Gordon W. Slade

"Hello there, Just found your site and love it. I have been looking for something like this since I got my computer in January. I am looking for a piece and the only thing I can tell you is that the popular song from it is 'Story of Three Loves'. I cannot remember the composer and think it is the 18th movement of something. I heard it in 1952 and haven't heard it since. Thank you for the beautiful music." Kitty
(Do you have any clue about the song Kitty is searching for? E-mail me if you do! JC)

" Best wishes from Québec I was fortunate enough to listen to your music on the site of Agena Village (André Phaneuf who loves so much what you do). Listening to it was a pleasure to my ears contrary to what I usually listen on internet. Keep up the good work, and let me be the spokewoman for those who appréciate your work but are too lazy to let youknow." Raymonde Lapierre

" Loved your site...so easy to use. Wish they were all set up like yours. I was looking for something more along the lines of Lara's Theme. Enjoyed it though." Sheila Michael.

"Jeanne, Your site is a real musical delight. Thanks for the pleasure. Right now, I'm listening to your Elegie of Sergei Rachmaninov. Beautiful interpretation. Do you have the famous Prelude of Rachmaninov? I found one on the Net but it is awful; my father played it so well. I remember every note....." Andre.
(Well, I did happen to have the score of what Andre wanted, and you can hear it at: http://www.microtec.net/~aphane/aldege.htm -JC)

"Hi Jeanne,I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy your music. I wanted to let you know I have placed a link to your site from "My Music Links" page. Have you ever sequenced the Dave Brubeck song, "Take Five"? Also liked the "Blue Rap", actually I liked all your music. Would you allow me to use your music from time to time as background music on some of my pages? Keep up the good work, I'll be looking forward to new additions to your page."Jim Brent. Visit Jim at:http://www.jimbrent.com/
(I've sequenced most of Take-5...but the piece was composed by Paul Desmond to showcase Brubeck's dummer Joe Morello...and I'm no mean drummer at all. Any MIDI dummers out there who'd like to collaborate on the famous drum solo?!!!??? - JC)

" Dear Madame, First of all, I've heard about you as a wonderful MIDI music creator by a virtual friend of mine, meaning that we are some kind of fans of yours !!! I am a French-Canadian poet living in Montreal, Quebec. I am well known on the French part of the web by those interested in French poetry. Just an idea I just had, and wondering if you might be interested, that is, your music accompanying my poetry. Who knows where it could lead in the future !" Huguette Bertrand.
(You can visit Huguette Bertrand's stylish poetry site at http://www.francomedia.qc.ca/~s.o.s.fr//Poesie/Rodin/Present.html
My contributions aren't in place yet. But, I'm working on them - JC)

Hi Jeanne: I am very impressed with your web site and your original midi music scores. I am playing "Fever" right now, sounds great... I am looking for some background midi music for my web site, something with the sounds of the ocean or nature mixed with instrumental. Thank-you, Nick Murgo
You can visit Nick's site at:http://www.anyboat.com

Right click to download the music playing in the background:
You've Got a Friend

Visit the sister site to Jazz Cafe:
Jazz Chronicles

Comments and suggestions welcome!

Links to my other music pages:
Piano Works
UnClassic Classics




Backstage Main Page Band Stand Piano Bar