Michot family

French Fleur-de-Lis (LaSalle)-1682
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Michot family

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The Eugene Michot family of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana

Eugene Michot and his wife Laura Normand lived at Barbin's and Bettevy Landings on Red River at the end of the 19th century. Their ancestral charts are below. Their children:

Marie Eugenie DeCuir
Estelle Moreau
Corrine Nasif
Lucy Gauthier
Louis Michot
Isabelle Miller
Adele Soldani
Therese Michot
Helena Gauthier

Michot family of Louisiana
Michot family from France
Michot roots in Cuba

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Email me at michotcousins@avoyelles.com.

Ancestors of Eugene Leon Michot (probable):

Link to pedigree chart of Eugene Michot at Rootsweb.com
                                                                  Jacques Michot________________________
                                  _Victor Amedee MICHOT _________|
                                 |                               |Marie Elizabeth Blache________________
 _Eugene Honore MICHOT __________|
|                                |                                _Jean Baptiste Martin PELLERIN_______
|                                |_Rosalie Amelie PELLERIN ______|
|                                                                |_Eulalie Chesne_______________________
|--Eugene Leon MICHOT 
|                                                                 _Louis Honore  SANTO_DOMINGO __________
|                                 _Joseph H SANTO_DOMINGO _______|
|                                |                               |______________________________________
|_Rosalie Elizida SANTO_DOMINGO _|
                                 |                                _Antoine LAFERRENDERIE _______________
                                 |_Marie Elizadie LAFERRENDERIE _|
                                                                 |_Marie AUDIBERT ______________________

Ancestors of Laura Normand, wife of Eugene Michot:

Link to pedigree chart of Laura Normand Michot at Rootsweb.com

                                                _Jean Pierre NORMAND _______
                         _Pierre NORMAND ______|
                        |                      |_Marguerite VICKNAIR _______
 _Joseph Titus NORMAND _|
|                       |                       _Jean_Baptiste MARCOTTE II
|                       |_Marguerite MARCOTTE _|
|                                              |_Marguerite TREGRE _________
|--Laura NORMAND 
|                                               _Jacques BONNETTE __________
|                        _Jean BONNETTE _______|
|                       |                      |_Marie BATEAU ______________
|_Azelie BONNETTE ______|
                        |                       _Daniel GASPARD ____________
                        |_Francoise GASPARD ___|
                                               |_Francoise JEAN_DES_JEAN ___

Links to other sites on the Web

Avoyelles Parish, home of the Eugene Michot family
Pellerin family ancestors
Daspit-St. Amant line of Michot-Pellerin-Chesne family (a Royal line of the Michot family)
Genealogy Gedcom file of Randy DeCuir
Genealogy Gedcom file of Marty Gauthier
Color Photo of Eugene Honoré Michot, our ancestor

Miller family homepage (Isabelle Michot Miller) by Cay Villars

Moreau family homepage (In Laws and descendants of Estelle Michot Moreau) by Randy DeCuir

Eugene Honore Michot, research from Marty Gauthier and Suzette Goodrow

Lineages—Free Genealogy Queries and Family Pages

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