Curlytop - 11/03/98 13:34:53 My Location: Barrie Ont Favorite Saying: "BITE ME" Favorite thing about #SouthernGals: Wonderful Ladies | Comments: Wow great homepage lol |
Johnny W - 09/18/98 03:18:14 My Location: alabamer Favorite Saying: blah Favorite thing about #SouthernGals: my momma is a member | Comments: hey mom, i just stopped by to look at your page...well i'll talk with ya soon. Whish me luck in my game tomorrow night! love ya & please say hey to tiny & dustin for me! |
Tucker Hale - 06/22/98 12:53:23 My URL:don't know how My Location: New England Favorite Saying: Hope for many things...expect little and you will not often be disappointed and often surprised Favorite thing about #SouthernGals: love Southern accents | Comments: |
Anthony - 06/17/98 15:01:47 My Location: Pennsylvania Favorite Saying: If works make it work better! Favorite thing about #SouthernGals: Their sexy!!! | Comments: Hello medicLady!!!!!!!! this page is awsome!! the Talking cards don't work!!!!!! |
Maggie - 05/31/98 15:12:41 My URL:/Heartland/Valley/1909 My Location: Huntsville, Alabama | Comments:
![]() |
Greg Simpson - 04/30/98 05:07:09 My URL: My Location: Toronto Favorite Saying: that's unfortunate | Comments: I'm signing this because Heather will break my arms if I dont. hehe :0 |
BeachBabe Carol - 02/15/98 04:30:50 My URL: My Location: Where The Sun Glitters Off The Gulf Favorite Saying: "Life's a beach!!!" of course Favorite thing about #SouthernGals: We're all real real friendly...and goddesses...let's not forget that! | Comments:Hi There LadiesThis WebSite gets better & better!!! |
WildMan Florida - 01/19/98 19:55:07 My Favorite thing about #SouthernGals: their smiles :O) | Comments: got to love those southernwomen :O) |
Wolfin - 12/28/97 23:20:24 My URL: My Location: The Netherlands Favorite Saying: oh well, why not Favorite thing about #SouthernGals: always fantastic people | Comments: |
Jeremy - 12/21/97 06:43:55 My Location: Kentucky Favorite Saying: howdy ya'll! Favorite thing about #SouthernGals: i love all you guys. | Comments: Sorry i haven't been on very much. but i've been busy and am not on the net much. So Like i said to Lady hope you all have a wonderful christmas and the greatest of new years(and also be careful; don't eat to much, be nice when you get something stupid f r christmas, and most importantly don't be sippin' on too much egg nog) Good nite, sweet dreams and lots of love. Your friend from Kentucky, Jeremy :) |
Heather-- - 12/18/97 21:53:47 My URL: My Location: Georgia but soon in Alabama! Favorite Saying: TMI! Favorite thing about #SouthernGals: The people especially my two best friends :) | Comments: I take a lot of pride in this web page that I created for #SouthernGals. I know I am not an official southern gal but I am one at heart. I love my two best friends IMaLady and GoldiLoX^. I don't know what I would do without them. This web page is dedicate to IMaLady, GoldiLoX^ and the rest of the special friends that make #SouthernGals a great place to be! |