Terminal Psychosis
image by Tugging-Boat

Hello. What brings you to the home of Terminal Psychosis? Perhaps you have reached the technologically advanced equivilant of a wrong number. Or maybe you wonder what psychopaths do in their spare time. Of course, whatever the reason, you are here now... and we would like for you to stay. Don't get me wrong__ we are not lonely, or seeking attention from the (relatively) sane. But we do enjoy playing around in the minds of the unsuspecting.

Please allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Walks-Under-Tables, and this is my sister, Dances-With-Skulls. We are quiet people who keep to ourselves__ and I imagine that is the same thing our neighbors will say some day on the local news broadcast.

You are innocent bystander number

since the twelfth day of the final month
of the nineteen hundred, ninety-seventh year, anno Domini

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