Pic taken from : MAX Magazine. DO all the die-hard fans of 911...here are some of their funny quotations and remarks when they came to South East Asia..and all their funny phrases when they did their interviews at the radio station. * Enjoy !!! * Interview at the THR with Duggy Day : DJ : Don't Make Me Wait..is there any particular story behind it ? Spike : Yeah..don't make us wait and just put it on.. DJ : I just know Lee, you have been talking too much.. Lee : There's only 2 microphones and I can't talk as I have a cough. ( Aww..wish we could give Lee a big, warm hug..) Interviews in RFM 98.8 : Jimmy : Right..this is me on the left hand side with the smallest mike. This is Jimmy, 23 years old from Liverpool, England..lovely to be here !!! Lee : My lil' sister fancies Spikey boy..i don't know why she fancies him but there you go ! DJ : Is that why his name is called " Spike ? " Lee : Yeah..spit him off.. Spike : I'm gonna take her out er..just to get on his nerves ! Lee : No way ! Shaliza : I read somewhere you wanted to be footballers..what happened ? Jimmy : Err..we're too young..they sort of got confused us and the ball ! Spike : We got kicked ! Shaliza : Professionally ? Jimmy : Well, when I left school i was in the football team in Wrexham, but obviously I left because I thought I was too good for the team and I sort of develop this interest in.. Lee : Women... Spike : Drink.. Shaliza : So now you do some bodyshakin'.. Spike : Hahahaha... Jimmy : Some bodyshakin' ? Yeah..i don't actually it comes from.. Shaliza : ANd one discussion for you..have ya chatted up Louise yet ? Jimmy : THe last time we met at the Brits awards and she was at the corridor and the 2 ran up to ther and sort of drag her to me and said oh..look what we've got..you haven't met Jimmy, haven't ya ? Lee & Spike : Hahahaha.... DJ : Zee Zee ( sorry..cos we don't know how to spell your name..) from PJ . ( Zee Zee..if you're reading this..don't get mad.. ) Trio : Zee Zee.. Lee & Spike : Zzzzzz..ZZZzzzzz... Spike : ZZ Top Ashi ? DJ : Lina from Damansara. ( I don't actually remember Lina..where she was from) Jimmy : Hello..Lina ! Lina : Hello...welcome to Malaysia ! Jimmy : Lean on Me ! Lina : Huh ? Jimmy : Lina...lean on me.. Spike : Never mind him. DJ : Very mischievous ! * Note : Lina..don't get mad if you're reading this..after all it's just a mild joke ! * DJ : Tell your fans where you'll be at... Jimmy : I don't actually remember the names. DJ : Salem Power Station, right ? That's one... Lee : Erm..we're somewhere tomorrow.. Spike : Somewhere the next day ! Everyone : ( laughs.. ) DJ : How do you handle all the fame you have got now ? Spike : Got'em ? DJ : Yeah..so many die hard fans out there.... Interview in Radio 4 : DJ : Girlfriends.... Jimmy..not allowed ?? Lee : Ahhh..Jimmy ! DJ : What's this..not allowed ? Spike : We don't allow him ! ** For your information : Those conversations were listened live from all the radio stations.. ** See'ya soon ! ![]()
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