Close Encounter with 911

911's visit in Penang...

These cool lads !!! CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH 911. It was 16th May 1997 when the special day is not a Birthday..but it is the day where UK’s hottest boy-group 911 came to Penang at the Midlands One Stop Centre. Kristy, May and I attended our morning lecture and we planned to go at 1pm cos the lads will be here at 3 pm. Usually stars are never punctual..i encountered that before..once when I went for the Backstreet Boys’ showcase somewhere middle of October last year at Midlands too ! was an exciting day cos we brought along our cameras, cassettes, CDs and posters for them to sign. There were many fans hustling in front of the stage and we quickly ate McDonald’s and stood quite at the back. Lucky thing was when they gave out free posters..the fanatic fans rushed and pushed to get one..and we quickly pushed our way to the front. May was in the 2nd row and I was like the 4th row and Kristy at 5th row. Eeeurrghh..the sweat and no fresh air for hours..we were there. I felt so tired and sleepy although the crowd was soo..BIG ! The DJ was trying to get a passage way for the trio to come in but seems that the fans are just dying to meet them and refused to move !! Grrr... Finally the trio took on the stage at 3.30 pm. Fans screamed and pushed harder. We tried snapping our best shots on them. The trio were smiling away and waving to the fans everywhere. They started off with Bodyshakin’ and danced gracefully. It was sort of breakdance. It was a funny thing May noticed that Spike was too anxious and he danced faster than anyone else. He did that twice so Lee had to tell him softly “ not yet..the music hasn’t started..get down..” It was such an embarasssing thing to Spike. Poor Spike ! He’s kinda nice to me ! ( Note : Ling’s reaction ) They then sang Don’t MakeMe Wait, The Day We Find Love and other hit songs from their debut album. May and I didn’t have enough air and so we came out from the big crowd. We then saw the trio started using the kiddies water pistols and sprayed water to the fans ! Hahahaha... I thought that was rather funny thing to do ! Heard from the other younger fans..that they wanted the water sprayed to them...I guess the next time when Wesak Day is around the corner...the monks should use the 911 water pistols for the teens ( no offence.. just a mild joke !) After the whole performance, the trio left the stage and cancelled the whole autograph session as there were too many fans. Later our dear friend, Rachael was invited by the News Straits Times press to interview them in the Berjaya Georgetown Hotel at 4 pm. We quickly headed to the hotel. We saw a bunch of girls waiting outside the press room to see their idols. We just looked around the hotel and rested. The trio were interviewed by reporters and cameras were busy clicking away. After a while, we decided to try our luck. Indeed our wishes came true. The trio allowed us to get in the press room. It was cold and cozy...aaah..what a nice atmosphere. May and I went in two by two and we saw Spike, Jimmy and Lee sitting ,smiling away. As usual, we let them sign our cassette cover, CD cover and pin-ups. Spike was he spoke to me. Jimmy was rather friendly as he looked nice in his purple cap. May told him he had nice rings and he smiled by saying ‘yeah..’ Kristy made 3 friendship bands for them. She was lucky indeed as she tie the band for Jimmy and he gave her a hug ! sweet ! Me ?? Nah..I just let them sign and I did asked a hug from Lee. He was friendly and cute as everyone knows... he wrote all our names and signed. We then left the hotel happily and went home feeling really exhausted but HAPPY !!! It was quite a day where we met 911 live and we kinda have a small chat with them... ( the lucky ones ! ) Oh..well..we kinda hope they will be back soon in Asia and to have a real proper concert. ( Note : And to Rachael..sorry cos we forgotten your birthday on that particular day...but I’m sure you’re happy as ever cos NST gave her a birthday gift she will never this year. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, Rachael..... from all of us : Ling, Kristy & May )

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