Jill - 10/23/00 01:57:08
My Email:jopal72@hotmail.com
I think you look better without the beard :-) Take Care and Keep Smilin'!
julia - 09/09/00 23:59:54
John, I like the beard..Julia
Barbara - 07/22/00 04:50:06
My Email:irongram_47@yahoo.com
A day late and a dollar short! That's me.
Re: the photos - both look quite nice. The key question is: Which way do you feel the most comfortable? When you are content with your appearance - that is when you look your best.
Arie Maarse - 07/08/00 20:08:31
My Email:aw.maarse@planet.nl
You look better without the beard bum you got a very nice page my fam and i went on holiday's in Texas last year we all had a wonderfull time.
Greetings from the Netherlands.
Arie Anneke Mike and Scott Maarse
Dawn - 07/08/00 15:02:31
My Email:gaelforce@hotmail.com
Cq cq cq cq dx calling cq cq cq dx how's the wx there?
hey, John! I am also a HAM nut... love the pics u have.. oh and.. yes.. without a beard :)
COOL page.... would like to chat sometime.
The nick's Irish Cream, on Pow.. :)
Karen - 07/04/00 21:59:54
My Email:Kaker98201@aol.com
You look "younger" without the beard but more "business like" with it !! I live in Florida. Used to live in Spring Tx ( outside of Houston) . Looking to move to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in the fall.... Had enough of Florida :):)
Barb - 06/25/00 01:52:24
My Email:jean@shol.com
I think you look best with the beard. It makes you look younger. Either way, you are very attractive, however. would love to chat sometime.
I am a widow a few yrs younger than you, judging by your graduation date. Have a daughter and two grandkids. hope to hear from you, Barbt
sasquatch - 06/17/00 02:27:19
My Email:sasquatch962@hotmail.com
I think the first photo with the beard looks better. =)
judy - 06/13/00 23:38:40
My Email:judy428@yahoo.com
you look good in #1like it best bye judy
- 06/05/00 12:09:37
Well John, wish the second pic without the beard was a bit closer up...but I say, Keep It!
Lizabeth Haggard - 06/02/00 08:30:31
My Email:lizabethah@hotmail.com
#2 looks the best
Patti - 05/26/00 02:59:40
My URL:/angeltoo.geo/
My Email:mypatti@yahoo.com
Hi John,
Just stumbled into your home page, can't exactly tell you how I arrived here but never the less, here I am! I saw that you were taking a poll on the beard so thought that I'd give you my opinion. I think you look much better without the beard. Guess I did
't make a friend out of you saying that but I really don't care for them. would love to know the results of the poll. Come visit my "home" anytime...Angels Heaven awaits you.. :)
Kerry - 05/19/00 02:13:04
My Email:kazzjoy@hotmail.com
Enjoyed your home page, thank you.
Would like to be able to create my own but am new to this.
I live in Australia so if you would like to chat with an Aussie you are welcome to email me
Tina - 05/17/00 07:46:59
My URL:http://topcities.com/Personal/arazmataz/Index.html
My Email:arazmataz@powwowmail.com
Found your page through Pow wow...You look better with the beard!...just my opinion
Kate McCandlish - 05/16/00 08:24:28
My URL:http://www.gilgamesh.co.uk
My Email:kate.mcc@breathe.com
I think WITH the beard ...Yes!
Great little site mate...keep up the good work..
Kate in a very sunny England
Lisa - 05/11/00 06:10:18
My URL:http://lisa_aussie_gurl.friendpages.com/
My Email:feisty_little_shitzu@hotmail.com
hey bum! (hehe)
i like the picture with no beard betta!!
come n check out my homepage soon if ya get time.
luv lisa
Kim - 05/08/00 02:48:57
My Email:freckles92162@yahoo.com
I vote for the beard.....
Dixey - 05/08/00 00:23:42
My Email:dixey54@hotmail.com
I'm glad you liked my page. I enjoyed yours as well. I need to learn how to put music on mine,..but this is all a learning process.
As for your survey,..both ways are nice, but I think the beard is a tad more interesting...just a tad.
Enjoy your day!
Darlene (Dixey is my c.b. handle)
jan - 05/06/00 17:04:55
Glad you finally found a job and OUT OF TEXAS!!!
cathy - 05/03/00 06:13:46
you look good in both pics
ron bushong - 05/02/00 11:44:15
My Email:rndbush@coollink.net
i see your into nascar,i like to sell and trade nascar diecast,do you? e-mail me if so..thanks ron
Bettye - 05/02/00 05:30:03
John #1 Just surfed on.
Debbie Vance - 05/01/00 13:16:05
My Email:vance3@lcc.net
I like you better with the beard most definately..*smiles* Hope to talk wiht you in powwow...Have a Great Day
Deb - 04/29/00 03:31:04
My Email:racin1@powwowmail.com
With a beard!
Rose - 04/23/00 00:11:16
My Email:herdsman@bellsouth.net
I definitely love look #2. Makes you look 10 years younger!!
nicole - 04/22/00 15:40:54
My Email:npray67@yahoo.com
hello there, granbury, huh, not far from me. i live in mineral wells. maybe we can talk sometime. have a happy easter!
Joan Cochran - 04/16/00 04:16:09
My Email:jococh@gateway.net
It is a great day when you meet a new friend!
pashinut1 - 03/27/00 00:15:10
My Email:pashinut1@yahoo.com
Hello......Love your page........Gail
Ted Lewis - 03/24/00 01:38:08
My Email:woodylew@yahoo.com
You have not changed very much in almost thirty-five years, as a matter of fact you look to be a few pounds thinner. I am assuming you found a job in the bay area, good luck. At one time I was visiting San Francisco and Northern California on business.
I still travel to Southern California a few time a year now, but not like I did a few years back.
By the way, you look better with the beard, I got one to.
I do not have a web page yet, teaching myself to build one. Will let you know when it is up and running.
Gracie - 03/08/00 02:15:37
My Email:brenasco@aol.com
Big John:
Is this vote truly only limited to how it 'looks'
or is a sensory vote permitted within the context of the evaluation?
In which case, my vote would be split. Rather like a household which supports two inhabitants who are registered diametrically opposite of each other. Each other's vote nullifys the other's.
Hope that explains my opinion.
Sue - 02/21/00 18:17:19
My Email:seventieslady@angelfire.com
Loved the page. Can't tell which picture I liked best.
Sue - 02/05/00 06:22:01
just wanted to let you know I had been here ....again *S*.
donna - 02/04/00 15:56:58
My Email:donnals@bellatlantic.net
Hey John I like your beard LOL but you look nice without it to! :) Your friend Donna L. Sellers
Debra Drost - 02/03/00 00:14:36
My Email:ddrost@tisd.net
I think I like both. Beard & mustache for winter and bare naked for summer! Love your web site, I am going to be taking some classes shortly to help develope one for the City of Victoria. I hope that all goes well for you and that when you get the job
n California you don't forget us down here. You take care. A friend in Texas... Debra
miles - 02/02/00 11:06:02
My Email:impnaz@ihug.com.au
apparently john #2 is better
Sherry Grider - 01/25/00 18:55:47
My Email:angelsoft@powwowmail.com
i think you look much better with the beard....your friend,Sherry..aka angelsoft..
Emmy ~Ak~ Pam - 01/20/00 15:10:44
My Email:sweetp_l@yahoo.com
I vote pix # 1... Take care hon..
- 01/15/00 16:34:21
Lori C - 01/12/00 02:30:40
My Email:Just_Lori_@yahoo.com
Hi, John.....You look very nice both ways......I do not have a home page.....
Maureen - 01/11/00 16:17:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~blondy35
My Email:blondy34@excite.com
First off, thanks for signing my guestbook :-)
Welcome to Granbury, hope you like it here. It was a better place to live 15 years ago, but it beats the big cities by a bunch!!
As for your poll, I think you look better with the beard, but then I'm partial to beards anyway ...
Have a great one!! :-)
Michael Sparks - 12/10/99 19:02:57
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~Lube-Direct
My Email:lube-direct@bigfoot.com
Nice page, you look better with the close beard.
Visit my web page-thank you Michael
Rose - 11/27/99 22:40:20
My Email:herdsman@bellsouth.net
I definitely vote for John #2. You look much younger without the beard!
Barbara - 11/19/99 03:15:43
My Email:barbara@radiks.net
Hey, it's been a long time since I invaded this turf. I see you have made a few modifications.
Raven - 11/10/99 23:25:22
My URL:http://pw2.netcom.com/~nevrmore/KAS.html
My Email:nevrmore@ix.netcom.com
Nice Page :) I can't remember if I answered your "survey" question before or not, but definitely without the beard :)
Brena - 10/30/99 03:31:39
My Email:brenasco@aol.com
I prefer the beardless look. Thank you very much.
jancp - 10/06/99 17:46:56
My Email:jantx@ticnet.com
definitely WITH .. nice both ways though :)
Judy Simon - 10/05/99 02:01:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Louvre/3123/
My Email:judy_art@yahoo.com
Hi John, nice homepage..smiling...
Anita - 09/16/99 16:57:11
My Email:amozark@yellville.net
Hi John, I think you look good both ways. With a beard or without. Anita
Lizz - 09/09/99 19:19:19
My Email:itsLizz@aol.com
I like the beard. It slims your face and adds definition and depth on pictures. :-)
Kathie - 09/07/99 14:01:40
My Email:flowerlady_71929@yahoo.com
Nice web page!! Nice photos, I like both, could not decide which I liked best........ you'll have to decide that!!