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340ml - 10/11/00 21:47:34
My URL:http://go.to/340ml
My Email:340ml@stupid.com

thanks a million for all your help !!

Olov - 10/06/00 10:27:04
My URL:You know.....
My Email:oharlin@hotmail.com

So...you have been in Thailand..! I have been there twice last year - it was mmmmmnice ! Mostly on ŽKoh samui, but many other places to. Lets talk about it ok ?

Olov - 10/06/00 10:22:04
My URL:http://come.to/unidosdosamba
My Email:unidosdosamba@hotmail.com

Nice page ! Thanks for your visit in my and our page of Unidos do samba !

Olov - 10/06/00 10:19:55
My URL:http://come.to/unidosdosamba
My Email:unidosdosamba@hotmail.com

Nice page ! Thanks for your visit in my and our page of Unidos do samba !

Mauricio - 04/11/00 18:20:28
My Email:maurub@yahoo.com

Oi, Tudo bem? Eu sou un mexicano que ama Brasil. Meu noiva comprou pra mim una cuica. Pero eu tenho um problema, pois nao sei como fazer o tipico sonido. Pode alguma pessoa me ajudar? Pode me escrever para Maurub@yahoo.com Muito Obrigado!!!

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