Pisices:The Fish:An Over View of The Sign

Louis is a Fish!

Ruled by Neptune Two fish bound together. Piscies is a water sign, emotional,and compassionate. Piscies is 12th house of zodiac. Represents eternity,reincarnation,and spiritual re birth. Piscians are said to have deep intuitions into the human phyche.They have a sensitivity to their surroundings unmatched in the zodiac and are there fore highly spirited beings. Since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion and mystery their personality is elusive and even harder to define. Piscies are symbolized by two fish, one swimming upstream, and one swimming downstream. This is a good representation of the Piscian personality-one of duality and indecision. Piscians have trouble defining themselves against their enviroment. Instead they use their powers of perception to blend into their suroundings like chamelions. They are quick to avoid a fight and are usually taken advantage of for this reason. Their charm humor and sympathy open doors for Piscians. They are gentle and kind often tend to suffer from extreme mood swings that typify their dual nature. The moodiness can be irritating to those who can not relate to their sensitivity. Inner conflicts, negativity, and carrlessness are all traits that afflict those born under that sign. However Piscians harbor an inner confidence that allows them to persivere. Piscians enjoy retreating into a dream world where they make the rules. Often the result is uninhibited creativity and intense imagination. Indeed many of the worlds finest poets, writers, artist and dancers have been Piscians. If they can temper their fatalistic moods, Piscians can be great assets as friends.

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