Louis Was Born In March

Character Traits of This Month

Basic Traits of Character of People Born In March

The Zodiacal Sign of Piscies commences on Febuary 20th, but for seven days is overlaped by the "cusp" of the previous sign, it does not come into full power until about Febuary 27th. From this date onward it is full strenth until March20, and it is then for seven days gradually loosing strenth on account of being overlaped by the cusp of the incoming sign Aries.

Thesse people possess a curiously natural understanding, wich they do not obtain from books or study. They easily aquire knowledge, especially of the history of countries,travel,research and the like subject.

Although by nature generous, they are usually over anxious about money matters, and are inclined to worry about what their future position in life maybe. This state of mind is, I think largely due too their dislike and dread of being dependent on others more than from any love of money.

This quality makes them however, much misunderdstood and they are often considered close in money matters when in reality they are not.

These people are also more mentally ambitious than otherwise.
They may know their subject well in their mind, but they will hesitate and undervalue their own individuality if they find they have to put it to any test in any public manner.

They are inclined to brood and be meloncholy, or to imagine all the world is against them and that they are being made martyers of.

They have great fidellity and loyalt if trust is imposed on them, and great persistance in carriing out whatever work they have in their hands to perform. and they are generally found in positions of trust and responsibilty for others.

Many artists, musicians and literary people are born in this period., but they must receive great encouragement ever to make the best of themselves.

They have great loyalty to friends and to any cause they take up provided they feel they are trusted and looked up to.They are generally suscessful in all positions of responsibilty, but at the same time they are not inclined to push themselves foward, and usually "wait to be asked" before giving their opinions. They are great respecters of law and order and uphold the conventions of whatever social oder in wich they be found.

The strongest and weakest characters are found in this sign. Some are inclined to gratify their innate sense of luxury and self indulgence and, if this side of the nature is the one that controls, they are likly to be too easy going, to be too receptive of their suroundings, to be influences by false friends, to give away fraudulent schemes, and in some cases are inclined to become addicted to drug and drink.

If however , persons born in this part of the year find some purpose worth living for, they rise to the emergency as no others can. These are people one meets in life sometimes who surprise their friends by sudden change of character.

All persons born in this part of the year have a duel element as the mainspring of their nature. It simply depends on wich of the two roads they decided to follow.

Persons born in this sign are highly emotional. If they belong to the weak side of it, they areeasily influenced by the people with whom they are thrown into contact, but if they belong to the stronger side their emoitional nature can lift them to any height.

They are generaly fond of the sea and large expances of water. If cercumstances do not permit them to travel, they will if they possibly can make their homes where they can see the ocean, or on the side of some lake or river.

In buisness they are good in dealing with shipping and trade with foreign countries. Sea captains, sailors of all kinds and travellers are often found under this sign.

Almost all have a curiously mystical side to their nature as well as practical. They are often classed as supertitious, the occult in all forms apealing to them in one way or another.
They love to search out or investigate the unknowin, the philophical or the mysterious.Although generous they do not allow their generous instincts to get the better of them unless they are under the influence of someone they love.In such a case they are as likely as not to give away all they possess.

If people under this sign overcame their sensitiveness and developed their will power there is no position in life they could not obtain


As health reguards people born in this period are most likly to suffer from nerves, insomnia,dsesp[ondency,poor circulation and animia. They often have intestinal trouble. They should if possible live in bright, sunny , dry climates and take a great amount of fresh air and exercise. They are found of travel, are restless, and love to be continously on the move.

The colors most suitable to them are:
shades of mauve, violet and purple.
These are foundation colors for this period.

Famous people also born in this period:
Joseph Jefferson.............Feb 20
Chopin...........................Feb 22
Micheal Angelo..............March 6
Elizabeth Barret Browning........March 9

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