Who Is Creole

This is something that I must address because of the many false beliefs concerning who and what is creole. Many people who are not from New Orleans as well as many in New Orleans are confused about this. I will give the historical definition of Creole.

The word Creole is French. When New Orleans was first a colony the term was used to describe a person of French anstestory who was the first generation to be born in New Orleans. Their parents were from France Not Canada.
Creoles lived in the city mostly. Some gained great plantations up river from New Orleans. Creoles are Catholic. And Creoles spoke French.

Cajuns are people whose ancestors came from Canada. The word is some coruption from Acadia. Cajuns lived in the swamps and in the country. Cajuns are Protestant. Cajuns spoke a dialect of French. Cajuns food will put fish and meat in the same dish and Creoles do NOT. As time passed the Spanish,Africans and even some German, Irish and Italians decided to refer to themselves as Creole. Technically none of them are. Today Creole has been used to describe many cultures and I suspect the tourism department did something to help spread the meaning.

Louis was born in France so he isn't really creole although he may feel he is such and that's ok. ŠJanuary 27, 2002 louis1766-1791

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