The Results You've Been Waiting For.........

1.If you met Louis on a street in the french quarter you would:
Scream and run ..................( 1 responce)
Ask for his autograph
Politly introduce yourself and Invite him to have a drink with you at a neighborhood bar and ask him to tell you his story(thinking the publishers probably edited too much and changed things to make it more appealing to the public)...............(6 responces)
Tip your hat or smile and keep on walking.
Beg to be made immortal.................... (1 responce)

Have you been to any of the Vampire Coven Balls?
Yes .........(2 responce)
No ...........(5 responce)

3.You go to New Orleans because:
You want to go on a vacation with family.............(1 responce)
You want to take the haunted tours. You want to take the plantation tours. ...............( 2 responces) You want to try to find Louis' house on Royal.
All of the above. ................( 4 responce)

4.You watched Interview With The Vampire:
Once ..................(1 responce)
Twice or more .........(1 responce)
Five times or more ....(1 responce)
Ten times or more
So many times I lost count years ago .......(4 responce)

5.Louis is your favorite character:
Yes! ................(6 responce)
No. ..................(1 responce)

6.Your favoreite book/movie scene was:
Louis in the garden seeing with "vampire eyes" ................( 4 responce)
Burning New Orleans/or Paris Coven
Louis on his canopy bed.
Louis eating a rat/chickens or Daniel Malloy.....................( 1 responce)
All of the above. ..............................( 2 responce)

7.Your least favoreite book/movie scene was:
Louis kncoking the crawfish on floor in dining room scene. ..................(2 responce)
Louis eating the poodles. ..............(5 responce)
Lestat making a mess at mealtime.
All of the above.

8.You decide to move to New Orleans because:
Its a beautiful old city.................( 1 responce)
A job opertunity.
You hope to search for Louis........................( 2 responce)
You want to rent/buy one of Louis' old houses.
You don't know yet but you feel like you must go there! .............(4 responce)

9.You have read:
Interview with The Vampire......................( 2 responce)
Interview, The Vampire Lestat
Interview, TVL, QOD and Body Theif .......(1 responce)
Interview, TVL, QOD, BF and Memnoch
All of the above and I died after I read Memnoch.....................(4 responce)

10.Your feelings reguarding sunlight are:
I hate sunlight.............( 1 responce)
I love sunlight...............(2 responce) I can't remember the last time I saw sunlight.
I don't really like the sun but I have to put up with it..................(4 responce)
Select your favorite color:
Blue.......( 1 responce)
Green.....(4 responce)
Purple.....( 1 responce)
Black.......( 1 responce)

Places People where from:
California (general) 1 (Sanfransico) 1
Russia (Moscow) 1
MidWest 1
Sweden 1
New Orleans 1
New Hapshire 1

Your Comments Please? :

"I want to return "home" to New Orleans and continue my roaming and searching. from California, but waiting desperatly and anxiously to escape to New Orleans." name: Lilliana Boccanegra
coments: "I'm a sea horse." Name: Aurora Celeste ______________________________________________________________________________
"Bonsoir, mon cher Louis. Me voici. Are you remember= me ? Very nice box and very original, especially, "If you met= Louis on a street in the french quarter you would - Scream and= run" ::smiles:: I think that it`s impossible , why, it`s common= knowledge that your charm is irresistible. Oh, yes, I nearly= forgot. Thank you for visiting my homepage. It is so nice of= you. In the last time we spoke of your chicory coffee. Yes,= it`s truth. It`s better than tea. If you don`t mind, I`d like to= ask you a question. When will be shown the tour by your home? = I hope to hear from you, dear Louis. Always yours, Irina. " Name:Irina
"Louis is the best. I love him" Name: Julia
"Just wanted to sign yet another guest- book,well thats all all my love to all who loves and hates becouse a persona without love&hate cant feel nothing, well there goes my philesofical me,take care,all my love Stefan (T.L.O.)." Name: Stefan
" I Like Louis a lot, but Lestat is just my fav. " Name: Rivi
" Thank you all for taking the time to drop your entries in the ballot box. All of your comments were just wonderful. In my opinion Aurora Celeste had the most creative one. " I am a sea horse." You certainly are............" Name: Germaine

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