My name is Freckles This is my very own home page! |
I am the Owner, Manager, and Trainer of Shaboom (she's my Mommy) and Trainman (he's my Daddy).
I am a pure-bred Beagle, a Lady in every respect although Mommy still calls me her "Baby Girl" (ugh), and I own
a great big house up in the mountains in Virginia where we all live together. But first I want to tell you how we all got this way!
Once upon a time a long time ago (about 4-1/2 years in people-years), I was born on a farm to some guy who tried to force me to hunt rabbits. But I didn't think
that was a very lady-like thing to do, so I refused. Well, this guy got mad at me and threw me into the County Dog Pound! WELL! Was I ever insulted!! There I was,
only 10 years old (I mean 1-1/2, in people years you know), and facing a TERRIBLE future!
One day this lady and gentleman came to the Pound, so I did my best "beagle act"---I wagged my tail like crazy, I yipped,
I gave them my best "soulful-eyes" look,
I even whined a little bit. And guess what? They took me home!!!
Well, I peed and I pooped all over the place, and I claimed that house, everything in it, and of course everyone in it as my very own! Never did understand why
Mommy and Daddy got so upset about my claim-stakes!! Of course, now I'm VERY prissy and particular about where I do what!!
I have to take one of them for a walk four times a day, so I take my Mommy out for about a mile in the early morning. I get to go down only the roads I want to go,
and I just love to gallop uphill; but then I have to listen to her huffing and puffing, and complaining about her tired knees. Sheesh! At night, I take my Daddy out
and go off into the dark woods and make him come in after me to untangle me from the trees. It makes me laugh when he falls down in the mud in the dark---boy, you
should hear his language!
I must tell you that I have trained my Mommy and Daddy VERY well! I get my tummy scratched the very minute I roll over, and you should see me make my Daddy crawl underneath the diningroom table just to give me my favorite treats! He is hysterical! Oh, he huffs and puffs, too. Just can't imagine WHAT is wrong with these people!
I guard my house very well---I bark and warn my parents when a car even starts down our road! And I chase all the squirrels off the birdfeeders! Otherwise, I have
my special nap-times, keeping my eye on both my parents, of course! Got to keep them in line, you know.
I'd love to hear from you doggies out there! Send me some wag-mail
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