ALAMAK the greatest chat line around--If you look for me, this is one place to look, or the castle {see below}.. Just look for msmom1 just like it is typed..this place is great there are 4 servers and each server has about 23 rooms.. and usually there are around 150 people in each room. rating A+
FantasyCastle--hmmm how to describe this place..smile it's a mature chat.. the dungeon is where i go, it's a lifestyle all it's own.. i have met some very very nice people.. but like everywhere there are some rotten apples.. I was originally mystic in there... but after some trouble.. she died.. never to return to the castle... now this one is trying to find another name that fits her style.. and personality.. and she has narrowed it down between two names.. ~alika~ meaning most beautiful (if i'm not beautiful on the outside.. i definately have a good heart.. *wink*) or ~dara~ meaning compassionate.. this one is leaning more towards ~dara~..
.this one has decided on dara.. her name is ~dara~ and she waits for a Master with her precious ~White~Sky~, ~Sky~ was a gift to her from Lady Akanthia... look below for a picture of her precious playing.. and sleeping..~smiles~.. come find dara.. talk with her.. ~soft smiles~rating A

--CorkBoard Screen Saver--i'm making this bold because i think it's tooo great to overlook.. it's a screen saver that YOU can use for appointments.. it has sticky pads, notepads, alarms, clocks.. a phone dialer.. little gizmos, ie a lava lamp, eyes, and a set of circles that go around.. it's just way too COOL!!! and best of all it's it has to be registered so you can get a key so it doesn't expire but that's free also.. go check it out!!! rating A++++
--Virtual Flowers--this place is great to send flowers to that someone special NOW MEN LISTEN UP LOL they have the biggest selection so far that i have found
just great.. i wouldn't pass it up. rating A+
Build-a-Card-- This place is great just to send that someone special a card letting them know how you feel!!! rating A+
The Electronic Postcard--This site has postcards that are more like art, ie Leonardo diVinchi, they have photography also though. This is not your typical card shop..but it is interesting...rating B
*Be Mine* Greetings--Now this site is a place to behold..*smile* there are some great GREAT cards here...alot of them for on-line relationships.. just the ones to tell that someone special how much you care..*soft smile*...rating A++
Color Cube--If your wanting to change the color of your background.. or perhaps just your fonts.. links etc.. You need the Hex Color Code. This cube is designed to give you the Hex Code that you need once you find the color you want... *smile* have fun with it.
Music page--This page I have been working on, so that I may share the many midi's i've collected, this page has not been gone over with a fine tooth comb so if there are any dead songs.. please do not hesitate to let me know.
My Creations--I created this page to show the variety of my designs.. There are many different designs on here. some i just designed the page to fit the poems or writings of others, some are things that i have done, all the way through... I hope there is something that You might enjoy.. if anything I can do or help with just email me... MJ/msmom
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