And you shall call his Name


Wonderful, Counselor, Mightly God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace,
Holy One, Son of the Highest,
Lamb of God, Prince of Life,
Lord God Almighty,
Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
Root of David, Word of Life,
King of Kings, I Am, Lord of Lords,
Advocate, The Way, The Truth,
The Life, Dayspring, Lord of All,
Messiah, Son of God, Saviour,
Shepherd and Bishop of our Souls,
Author and Finisher of our Faith,
Chief Cornerstone, Righteous Judge,
Light of the World, Morning Star,
Head of the Church, Chief Shepherd,
Resurrection and Life,
I am Alpha and Omega.

NO OTHER NAME (but the name of Jesus)