Mike "parrothead" Patterson - 12/07/00 05:07:35
My Email:pattersonmik@hotmail.com
Well my friend it had been a while since I've visited your site. I see that you have imortilized us in some pics. Those times we shared just led to "stories we could tell". Still a great site. Thanks for all the good times Jay.
SWEDE - 11/28/00 15:22:11
My Email:ammoswede@yahoo.com
Live every day as if it were your last; remain in ZEN all my Parrot(t)head Phriends! J-bone, it's good to have you with us once again brother, to spread the madness, melodies, and strum till ye 'ol fingers bleed....Froth to you...and all Parrot(t)heads a
ound the world! The SWEDE lives! Still makn' those extra SPICY Bloody's every chance I get!! Prost....
SWEDE - 11/28/00 15:21:28
My Email:ammoswede@yahoo.com
Live every day as if it were your last; remain in ZEN all my Parrothead Phriends! J-bone, it's good to have you with us once again brother, to spread the madness, melodies, and strum till ye 'ol fingers bleed....Froth to you...and all Parrotheads around
he world! The SWEDE lives! Still makn' those extra SPICY Bloody's every chance I get!! Prost....
Jason Formanack - 11/27/00 21:43:31
My Email:chevelle068@yahoo.com
J-Bone this website kicks ass! Phins Up from Pac-Af. You know I will be sitting on a beach next to the ocean for the next 3 years.
Michelle Messer - 10/10/00 15:34:23
My Email:mmesser@libertycorp.com
Great site, this was the first time I had checked it out. Enjoyed the photos, you need to add some from the Carolinas if you ever make it out this way.
Dude - 10/02/00 04:33:29
My URL:http://w3.bluegrass.net/~keith/Jimmy_Buffett_Frame.htm
My Email:keith@bluegrass.net
Nice page, Just stop in on the Webring wave...
Fins Up - - Surfs up
Stop into "The Last Mango On The Web"
Helen Mary St.James - 09/26/00 21:05:16
To my favorite bull:
Thank you for enlightening my mind, captivating
my heart and strengthening my soul. I'm with you
- 09/24/00 02:42:04
My Email:scataldo@hotmail.com
I was trying to look up some lyrics, and I found your page. It's wild when out of no where you see a face you haven't seen in a while. I hope you're doing good Jason, you deserve to be happy.
Rebecca Erwin - 09/12/00 20:52:28
My Email:rebecca.erwin@dm.af.mil
I snuck in ...
- 08/23/00 16:36:22
Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.
- 08/23/00 16:33:45
Dream what you want to dream;
go where you want to go;
be what you want to be,
because you have only one life
and one chance to do all the things
you want to do.
her - 06/28/00 04:47:24
My URL:http://taxgoddess.tripod.com
My Email:taxgoddess@hotmail.com
who the hell are you, and what have you done with jason!!!! aaaaarrrrrgggghhh!!!!!!
Liz - 06/25/00 01:43:51
My URL:http://members.aol.com/crbnlizard/page1.html
My Email:CrbnLizard@aol.com
I love the new page design! I'm glad you added more writings...I love to read your stuff. Take care of you and come visit Atlanta sometime!
Beti - 06/11/00 03:00:54
My Email:betiryan@worldspy.net
Great, super, a true parrothead paradise! Hope you find your own Paradise soon!!!
Tucson is a great place, I've spent many happy days there myself. As they say in N'Orleans: "Lezzez le bon temps rollet!"
From YHS - 05/31/00 22:21:59
I just read the new songs/poems. Could you show me the way to that secluded beach mAPM?
Corrine - 05/27/00 00:15:33
My Email:AKparrothead2@aol.com
Just wanted to say a "hello" from an Alaskan Parrothead!! I love this website and visit it frequently. Keep adding the great photos and the original writing. The talent you have is worth sharing! Phinz Up & have a good day!
Mary and Lou - 05/18/00 02:27:29
My Email:msolo@excite.com
Hope you liked the eats!
YHS - 05/12/00 23:49:42
My Email:youknowwho@PM.com
You are way too slow on updating and getting the pics back MAPM. I do like the 2 new songs though. Just the opinion of YHS!
Jacalyn(The Wacker) - 03/30/00 21:07:02
My URL:http://come.to/wacker
Great site I liked the street sign alot never saw that before. Keep up the good work.
Steve - 03/20/00 22:46:16
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/teamgnracing/TeamGNRacing
Sweet site J-Bone. Make sure you attend a race this season.
See ya in the dump
Carrie - 03/09/00 23:48:01
My Email:carrieluft@yahoo.com
Love your site! Can't wait to party in Vegas! Phinns up
venus - 03/09/00 21:03:10
My URL:http://taxgoddess.tripod.com
My Email:youknow@nothere.com
like the new pics. i want new poetry. i just wrote some. your turn.
come visit me, too, dammit.
chngnattitud - 03/07/00 21:18:46
My Email:chngnattitud@hotmail.com
Great Site. Will miss Vegas..going to Desert Sky. Have fun at Tommy's, with no "Midnight" this year, I will miss my annual trip. Hope to see you at Motm 2000
little sis - 02/23/00 17:13:39
My Email:dearjanna@hotmail.com
cool web site!!! I miss you!! washington is...well it's were we're at now!! Is there a better way to get in touch with you? I love you Jay!!!
Ray - 02/05/00 03:01:27
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~67wanderlust
My Email:67wanderlust@mindspring.com
Great site Jason! I linked from Lin's. You've done the ring proud. Fins up~~_/)_~~
Sara English - 02/04/00 21:12:22
My Email:senglish@totalsports.net
Jason -
Your writing is very similar to what goes on in my head. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has sat at The Port of Indecision wondering which way to set sail next.
Derrin - 01/24/00 15:04:06
My Email:dwedell@sosland.com
Is that you strutting your stuff(singing)when I opened your web page!? You're going to be rich, I'm sure of it! I love you're song/poetry entries as well, you've been busy. I'm looking forward to hearing you sing them in person...until then, peace.
Sonya - 01/23/00 06:19:46
Hi Jason, Your new page is great!
Curtis - 01/08/00 03:40:47
wow just found your page amazed that someone in Tucson has any tastee, hehehehe, only kidding Tucson, No I booked marked the page in case I need a mental escape, hope to see you around the bars, Curtis a.k.a. The Tucson Sand Parrot
Mychal - 12/27/99 04:33:58
My URL:http://home.rmci.net/mychal/buffett.htm
My Email:Mychal@rmci.net
Great site bro....I hope to see you in Vegas April 15th. I'll be at Tommy Rocker's before and after. Too bad the Fat Tuesday Pool Parties won't be running yet at the Orleans. Aren't those great?
PHins up...WAY UP!!!
Liz Franks - 12/24/99 04:37:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/crbnlizard/Index.html
My Email:crbnlizard@aol.com
I love your website! It's the coolest. Thanks for visiting mine and signing my book. And, no I would not mind in the least if you put my songs to music. Of course, I want to hear what you come with out of curiosity. I am so glad you like them. Actually, t
e one you mentioned is one of my favorites that I've done so far. I don't know Lin very well, but from what I do know, yes, she is very cool! Her site is great too. Well, come on out to Atlanta and I'll buy you a beer! Have a great Christmas and Happy New
Year and keep in touch. Liz
Sarah Treptow - 12/23/99 18:35:26
My Email:Myluna2@aol.com
Thanks for everything J-Bone. You are and always will be a true friend.
- 12/21/99 03:48:29
My Email:scataldo@hotmail.com
i would just like to tell ya that i think you are a hottie. your web-page just about made me cry, you are a sweetie, and dont forget that we are going to see jimmy in phoenix. you will be with the toughest person there, well the toughest "gun" anyway.
miss you cutie.
shelly - 12/15/99 19:51:09
My Email:sval2120@aol.com
great site!!!! Its nice to hear there are other Tucsonians out there with great taste.
Bonnie Trenor - 12/14/99 07:47:07
My URL:http://www5,palmnet.net/~btrenor
My Email:btrenor@palmnet.net
Just visiting since you visited my site. Enjoyed the tour. Thanks for coming to see me and Jimmy. I love the idea of your Sand Bar....we were in Tucson....and man, you are one one mean sand bar!! Ha! Ha! That is the biggest sand bar I ever saw... A great
each! Hope you get to do all the things you always wanted to do. "It is never to late to be what you might have been!"
Christopher - 12/13/99 00:21:23
My URL:http://members.home.net/cwacers
My Email:cwacers@home.com
Hey Remit...thanks fer visitin' my page. You seem to be the first person to visit in a long time. So I thankyou even more. Anyhow, great site. I dig.
Lynn - 12/12/99 17:47:18
My Email:cooltwin@bsc.net
Jason, you always make me smile. Thanks...
Dawn - 12/11/99 19:05:59
My Email:dawnela@aol.com
love your page, Jason! Not a parrot(t)head yet, but you may end up converting me! Keep in touch!
Ras Dave - 11/24/99 14:21:15
My Email:/dev/null
Hey skippy, the site is really looking good!!!
Where's the pix of us jamming in Korea?
One Love
distant stranger - 11/18/99 06:52:07
My URL:http://taxgoddess.tripod.com
My Email:lovelaughter@yahoo.com
jase, if you were any hotter i'd go to hell.... ;-) hugs to you!!! think happy thoughts, and come to atlanta soon. we need to buy tom liddle a margarita.
Bunny - 11/11/99 05:25:28
My Email:Bunny24k@aol.com
Nice site. Surfed over from Drifty's site. Hope you made it to MOTM '99. If not see you next year!
Claudia Perry - 11/08/99 20:26:40
My Email:cpteddi@aol.com
Where are some pics from Rocky Point...I am sure you have some...stay cool Jason!
Claudia Perry - 11/08/99 20:24:40
My Email:cpteddi@aol.com
Remittance Man - 11/07/99 04:44:15
My URL:http://remitman.worldwide.nu/
My Email:remitman@hotmail.com
Y'mean I've got a brother? Like yer site, come see mine!
Ericka Van Koughnet - 11/02/99 21:10:40
My friends and I loved your page here in North Carolina!!!! :-)
BellaDonna - 11/02/99 19:10:45
My Email:Bella92569@aol.com
Man E Mans - 10/26/99 03:56:29
My Email:skilld@hotmail.com
Cool Page, No Rocky Point pics?
Kris Butts - 10/22/99 17:38:56
My URL:http://www.carol.net/~kbprod
My Email:kbprod@carol.net
Great Looking Site!
GOD Bless!
Rachel Lorenzo - 10/06/99 22:32:12
My Email:ROXYd199@aol.com
Im a new buffett fan (as of the last 3 years) but he is my new found GOD! I've recently convinced my english teacher to let me do a reasearch paper on jimmy. now if that isn't a sign of taking over the world i don't know what is.
Rachel Lorenzo - 10/06/99 22:26:47
My Email:ROXYd199@aol.com
Q - 09/28/99 22:23:34
cool site j
Jimmy - 09/28/99 07:31:51
Hey Thanks for being such a loyal fan. I feel lucky to so many pages dedicated to me. I will keep on singing as long as you keep on coming. And I'll see ya'll in the Spring out west. Thanks again, and Phins Up.
Sam aka Beer Beard - 09/22/99 11:58:48
My URL:/beerbeard/
My Email:beerbeard@geocities.com
Great Site I love it Keep up the good work.
Fins to the right!!!
Sam AKA Beer Beard of the Pirates Den
janie - 09/18/99 01:03:42
My Email:janie_hudson@hotmail.com
What is MOTM? The pic of you and Kenny is too small! =)
- 08/28/99 05:12:52
Hana - 08/22/99 23:48:29
My URL:http://members.aol.com/funboat1/buffett.html
My Email:funboat1@aol.com
Hi! MOTM? I'm jealous! Have a rockin' time for me too, okay? Excellent site you have here, I've been to Rocky Point too and I loved it...buying shrimp by the bag full right off a shrimp boat remains a favorite memory. "smell those shrimp, they're begi
ning to boil..." Fins Up! Hana :)
Lin - 08/20/99 21:55:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/taxgoddess
My Email:taxgoddess@hotmail.com
hey baby! is it just me, or do you keep getting better looking? i am back from my caribbean adventures - and what adventures they were... pics on the page soon...
beware of ferocious land crabs and wild donkeys.
so when are you coming to atlanta?
Sonya Martin - 08/20/99 02:45:54
My Email:sonya_martin@hotmail.com
Your cousin, Kim - 08/20/99 00:09:03
My Email:kimike3@aol.com
Hey, Jase! How are you?! How do I get your e-mail address from this website? Sheesh! Grandma is here with me, in Boise, Idaho. Wants to chat with you! Dawn is also trying to get ahold of you. E-mail me, so we can catch up! Love you!
Gator & Gator's Gal - 08/15/99 11:18:30
My URL:http://321website.com/members/home/data/gatorsgal/homepage.html
My Email:gator@tropicalstorm.com
Surfin' the Web Ring and stopped by...had a blast here...nice page!
Joel & Melissa
![]() |
Great page! Thanks for signing my book. I would have never found you if you hadn't. Keep up the cool work and reach for the beach!
Just wanted to see if my guestbook still works..no one's signed it in a while....phins up in AZ!
Jame - 06/13/99 21:49:30
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Brwn_eyed_girl/index.html
My Email:jmarie29@hotmail.com
Hey Little Beaner Sprout! Glad to see ya graced my page with your presence! (even if it was to steal my pictures!!) Your page is looking great...a little frightening though for a non-parrothead such as myself...is this guy the 2nd Coming or what??!! hah
...kidding! You've done a good job...and to think it all started last summer on the Web. So when are you coming out again?? Talk to ya soon...Love You...Jame
rastaman - 06/08/99 21:02:57
Hey, J-<->, you know who this is. I canna leave a email coz da girls dem likke ta fallow me. InI love ya coz'n you izzame bredrin. Put that irie pic of you and me playin' guitar inna your room before InI left. If you don' have it I'll send it.
One Love!
Derrin - 06/02/99 22:30:53
My Email:dwedell@sosland.com
Your creative energies never cease to amaze me, perhaps you should share some of your own tunes with fellow parrotheads. You never know when Jimmy might need a new tune...dreams do come true!
I miss my beach dude...dw
Derrin - 06/02/99 22:30:06
My Email:dwedell@sosland.com
Your creative energies never cease to amaze me, perhaps you should share some of your own tunes with fellow parrotheads. You never know when Jimmy might need a new tune...dreams do come true!
I miss my beach dude...dw
Derrin - 06/02/99 22:29:00
My Email:dwedell@sosland.com
Your creative energies never cease to amaze me, perhaps you should share some of your own tunes with fellow parrotheads. You never know when Jimmy might need a new tune...dreams do come true!
I miss my beach dude...dw
Derrin - 06/02/99 22:28:47
My Email:dwedell@sosland.com
Your creative energies never cease to amaze me, perhaps you should share some of your own tunes with fellow parrotheads. You never know when Jimmy might need a new tune...dreams do come true!
I miss my beach dude...dw
joe - 05/31/99 15:54:28
My Email:jlynchsz28@aol.com
Hey fello parrothead... remember me?? I met you at Eric Young's party this weekend.. I forgot your name.. Jesse? Anyway.. headin to the greatest place on earth soon, Florida (well, except where i grew up!:)-) and just wanted to give you my e-mail address
n case you wanted to keep in touch... It's a shame we haven't met sooner... but in the words of my idol and yours............................................
" i gotta go where its warm!!!!!!!!"
Lin! - 05/24/99 13:35:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/taxgoddess
My Email:taxgoddess@hotmail.com
wow! what a babe! and cool stuff!!! love the page. what a small parrothead world this is - looks like tom liddle and jeff pike really get around..... if you're ever in atlanta....
Jacalyn Bennett (The Wacker) - 05/20/99 00:29:22
My URL:http://www.jersey.net/~afmretro/wacker.htm
My Email:wackyjackie32_98@yahoo.com
Nice page keep adding to it. Check mine out sometime. As always fins up and have a corona on me! ^_^
Marlene - 04/22/99 23:01:49
My URL:http://www.parrotheads.org
My Email:marlene@parrotheads.org
if you're ever in Arizona, stop by and say Hi to us.
Saturday, June 26, 1999 is PARROT PALOOZA with Mango Mango, Jerry Gontag and Fingers Taylor!
see our website for more info!
Tyra - 04/16/99 03:20:30
My Email:trivkin@mit.edu
I'm moving to Phoenix this July after (finally) graduating from college, and I would love to meet fellow parrotheads in AZ! Any recommendations?
Teresa Williams - 04/08/99 20:43:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2248/buffett.html
My Email:TAnnWills1@aol.com
Thanks for visiting my webpage! Yours is great, too!!! I am heading to the Carribean in a couple of weeks, where I plan to change my attitude with a change of lattitude. I hope to meet a few fruitcakes while I am there, too! Thanks for the info about
he Joe Merchant movie. Can't wait to see it. ^ ^^ ^ ^PHINS UP!^^^
I will drink a few boat drinks win your honor!
John - 04/03/99 23:11:10
Come chat with other parrothead pholks at![]() |
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane"! I've come to check out your page. Awesome work. I love all your animated gifs and the style of your page. Great work phriend. Come down to MOTM in key west in october. Truly the best parrothead phlockin
fins up
Mike "Parrotthead" Patterson - 03/22/99 12:35:22
My Email:pattersonmik@hotmail.com
I see you've done a little remodeling with the site. I like it. Well Jay even here in Korea I managed to get tickets to his shows in Atlanta. You better get your own when Jimmy phlocks your way.
Fins UP!~~~~Mike
Keith Moudy - 03/15/99 19:49:36
My Email:keith@nothnbut.net
I liked your page..nice work....I guess you'd call
me an ole parrothead....been chirping about Jimmy's music since 1973....I got to meet him in person....twice....and....both time's didn't say anything profound.....anyway....have a nice day...thought I'd say hello....Fins UP! Keith
Gregg Mulder - 03/09/99 14:14:20
My Email:x97mulder1@wmich.edu
James has had quite an impact on me. Im 21 yrs old and have been listening to his music since I was 9. My two favorite hobbies are flying airplanes and playing guitars.....much like Jimmy
Dawn Alvarez - 03/05/99 18:41:54
My Email:dawnela@juno.com
Eva Goudis - 02/26/99 14:53:22
My Email:egoudis@aol.com
I've only known you Jason for a short time and yet I feel like I've Known you for years. You are the greatest man I have ever known.I can go on an on about you, but you would blush. I feel so privelage to have meet you. I wanted you to know that I will al
ays be here for you anytime. Thanks for being who you are.
Love Me
Tina - 02/25/99 05:38:25
My URL:http://Aol.com
Heather - 02/25/99 00:26:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/6999
My Email:hwsmith@geocities.com
I saw that you had stopped by my Parrot Head Party page and signed my guest book, so I thought I'd do the same. Great Page!
It's 20 degrees and the hockey game's on . . . and I just can't wait for the summer tour!!!
wombat - 02/24/99 19:11:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DarrylY/index
My Email:wombat@rochester.rr.com
Hey, You visited my site a while ago and I have been meaning to check out yours. Very nice site and it would be great to hear some stories about your vegas concert. Keep your fins up
stone - 01/26/99 21:07:48
My URL:http://mbr-philos.neotown.com/badai
good work :)
Jeff Pike - 01/05/99 13:30:00
My URL:http://members.aol.com/A1AJPIKE/JeffPike1.html
My Email:a1ajpike@aol.com
Jason,I enjoyed your website and your enthusiasm as a ParrotHead! Keep up the good work and keep spreading the gospel on the west coast!
Fins Up
Jeff Pike
Don Ayres, Jr. - 12/31/98 06:33:13
My URL:http://www.wam.umd.edu/~dmayres
My Email:dmayres@wam.umd.edu
Hey there, I love your page!
Check out my page, I think you will like the theme.
Dancy - 12/16/98 08:07:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/5862
My Email:patl@multipro.com
Great page, love your graphics. Thanks for stopping in and signing my guestbook. Funny thing you should mention the line "a sailor spends his Christmas in a harbor having fun". My S.O. is a sailor (Merchant Marine). He'll be gone for Xmas and I sincerely
ope he will have some fun for the holiday. I do so miss him! But come New Year's he will be home!
Have a good one...Fins up! --Dancy
SWEDE IN ZEN - 12/14/98 22:22:17
My Email:ammoswede@hotmail.com
it is I my friend! I received your e-mail and it's good to hear that you are doing well. I'm glad that you were able to open the Beer picture; too bad it's not in color. we're still drinkin' em for you over here man! tell everyone we said "hey" and tak
care of yourself.
your fellow parrothead,
Jason - 12/14/98 10:30:33
My URL:http://you're lookin' at it
My Email:parrothead4life@hotmail.com
Let's see if this works....