Greetings! And welcome to Darksinger's Lair.
This is my place for expressing myself about...anything I want.

NEW! Visit my Blog.

Things are always being added or changed around here.
Come back soon and check out all the new goodies.
This site was created in May 1998, and was last updated (parts of it anyway) 29 May 2005.
Check out the Bard's Journal.
And some of the photos have been updated...this year.
I still sometimes check my old email address
But can be better reached at the new addy.

Now for another seemingly silly, but apparently necessary...Disclaimer:
There is absolutely NO pornography on this site. If you are looking for such, go elsewhere. Do not send me email or sign my guestbook asking for "more revealing" photographs...You won't get them.
Thank you, drive through.