Angels, Inspiration, Quiet Thoughts, and Love abound within.
I welcome all to a peaceful, quiet place
To restore the soul and offer the body and mind a refuge from the deluge of everyday life.
Come in, visit, relax, and be refreshed,
Take with you a belief that we all make a difference in the lives of those we touch with our hearts.

I believe, do you?

Angels say "HALO" to everyone
Angels like to do what they want, just for the HEAVEN of it

Angels have a hidden agenda....LOVE
We are surrounded by Angels, God's unseen messengers.

Issues like forgiveness, love of neighbor, turning from evil, and giving the light of God are all
matters of intense interest to our guardian angels. In the end, however, we must realize they
have no instructions of their own to offer us. They simply refract the light of God in all they do.
I have always believed in Angels. The scriptures tell us that Angels are immortal spirits created
by God as servants of the divine and guardians of the earth and all who dwell here. God saw my
grief after I lost my mother and father and sent angels to share His exquisite comfort. I received
a peaceful calmness and a knowledge that I will always be protected by stronger arms than those
here on earth.
I'm just a hopeless Romantic by heart. I love old houses, lace 'n pearls, candlelight dinners
strolls in old historic towns, the art of Victoriana, beautiful flower gardens and the Wonderful
Earth Angel of my Life - My Husband, who has given me all this and much, much more !
God has surely blessed me abundantly!
This site created and maintained by D Marie Victoriana.
Background Graphic Courtesy of Victoriana's Victorian Graphics Gallery
All Graphics are Digitally watermarked.
Page Design by Victoriana's Gallery, © September, 2003.
All rights reserved.
If you like my site, please don't forget to vote for me.
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Adding your Light to the Light of the World.