.....TED tracking Georges 9/98.....

TED'S HURRICANE ADVISORY:10/19/98 MITCH trashes Honduras but weakening... headed for Mexico's Yucatan...

HISTORY:9/28/98 10:00 am cst....Georges terrorized NEW ORLEANS and trashed gulf coast causing flooding, destruction, power outages and angst... Louisiana, Mississipi, ALA, & FLA... damage is surveyed and people rebuild...

Tequila Ted Dives into the EYE......

on a cyber flight with real HURRICANE HUNTERS!!!

Tequila Ted was hanging out with the Wild Amigos in his den on Bourbon Street one night, listening to Rockabilly Gal,
Josie Kreuzer singin "You're wild like a hurricane..."

(go ahead- click to hear Josie sing!)

...TED was wondering if the next hurricane, Georges, would bother New Orleans...

when he asked, "rosemary, where do hurricans come from?"

"Hmnn...well, the Gulf, I guess," I replied, but because I had no real answer, I did a computer search. There I found this cute guy.....

We don't know his real name, so TED decided to call him "Hurricane BOB."

Well, BOB is a pilot who flies into the eye of HURRICANES! He is a real Hurricane Hunter!
"The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, known as the Hurricane Hunters of the Air Force Reserve, is one-of-a-kind: the only Department of Defense organization flying into tropical storms and hurricanes on a routine basis."(from their webpage.)
OOOOH that is so scary!
So BOB invited TED to join him on a hurricane reconnaissance mission--to fly into the EYE and measure it! WOW!


real pictures of Georges
"Everyone was awed to find this stadium effect, where you feel as though you are inside a giant football stadium made of clouds. The clouds arch up and away, far above your head. The aircraft is two miles high (10,000 feet), while the top edge of these clouds may be perhaps 50,000 feet high. It is a humbling sight which even few Hurricane Hunters have witnessed."(from their webpage)

"i wuz reel scared, it wuz LOUD in dat plane and shakey too and soooo exciting i almost lost my teddy lunch! but den it wuz purty too, all dos clouds whar da angels live an da blu waters and skys, my o my what a wunnerful daze!" says TED...

If you really want to have some FUN, do what TED did....

Click on the plane to... Take a Cyberflight into the Eye! Then you too can be the proud owner of this cool patch!

After the mission, a FUN time was had by all with BopGirl as guest of honor!

These flamingoes evacuated Florida, thirsty, they gaze at Pat O'Briens...

TED says:
"i wanna tank all dos cool guys oer at kessler for a rockin FUN time an hope to see em oer at Pat O's for da FUN hurricans!"

"no more eyes.....please!"

Teddy, tired after a hard day and much celebration over his award relaxes on his French Quarter balcony.

To send someone a free digital postcard of TED go here:

Remember...PREPARE for the WORST and HOPE for the BEST!

And, because these Hurricane Hunters are such nice guys they let us borrow their pix. THANK YOU! Now isn't that wallpaper KEWL, it's a real hurricane!!!
Visit their page Hurricane Hunters Home Page for more info & photos. For more hurricane info go to...

For cool music go here:

Worried about or under the weather? Playin the Lotto? Need some extra luck?
Before you go...make a WISH on the... Blue Magik Genie!!!

A farewell message from Ted:

"Remember...Teddies are not just objects to be collected on a shelf! We like to play too!"
Laissez les bon temps roule! No te preocupes se feliz!
Let the good times roll! Don't worry, be happy!
Tequila Ted Loves you!

Ted's fanmail

Won't you please...SIGN TED's Guestbook or EMAIL TED your comments & questions?

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Thank you!

All animals in this photo shoot were handled with care and respect.

THANK YOU for stopping in...Please BOOKMARK and check back, we have all kinds of parties planned, especially...MARDI GRAS!!!

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HOME SWEET HOME... Ted's Rekord Hop...
T.B.I.F.(tank bearz itz fridaze)...

Serious photos courtesy of US Air Force,
TED's photos © 1998 Rosemary Basil...

hurricane huntin bears n humanoids since the First Day of Autumn, 1998...

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