It is time for a new season of FUN to begin
If you are a new player who is interested in joining
The Ridic Players Club
Sign Up Here
Current members please email Vi
if your are still interested in playing.
We are looking forward to a new and fun season.

5-30 Playoffs
5-29 Playoffs
5-24 Playoffs

Sign Me Up
Stats Galore!
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Schedules (5/6)

Rosters (5/6)
Players' Pages
Tourney Rules

05.13.2001 02:24 PM

Team Sites
Ridiculist Message Board
Happy Birthday Page
Time Zone Conversion

editors: athena & ev

Congratulations Sadie
Kaitlyn Alexis was born on 7/10/01 at 9:26pm.
She weighed 5 lbs 6 ozs and was 18 3/4 " long
WTG Sadie Wiggle Wiggle