The BagLady's Activism LINKS - Make a Difference
This page is dedicated to FlowerPower
I wasn't for McClain - But
he should have taken a clear stand on
the Dixie Flag issue.
He ducked it at every turn...
I lost respect for him as a presidential candidate
when he weaseled out.
No, I would never have voted for him!!!
Yes, I respect his war record.
Bush is probably too much a coward
to say anything about the flag...
Jezz, Bushytales...Bob Jones !!!!
Well, Gore spoke up, right?
TheBagLady has spoken.
April 4, 2000
~A beautiful site, filled with Quotes and Poetry~
Read this SAGA from my Bleeding Heart
**Get the Dixie Flag Down off Columbia, S.C. statehouse flagpole
Death By Discrimination
Skin color influences legal consequences.
L.E.A.R.N. Let's End All Racism Now.
Do The Right Thing
A student home page containing a list of hate crimes from Oct 1 to Oct
24 of 1998.
EVN Education and Vigilance
Anti-hate information from Pennsylvania
Feminist Activist Resources on the
**If the link doesn't work please just type in or copy and past
Feminist Majority Foundation
The policy, practice, and advocacy of political, economic, and social
equality for women.
American Bar Association.
Public information including legal assistance.
American Civil Liberties Union Network
Protecting our civil liberties in criminal justice, cyber-liberties,
death penalty, disability, drug policy, free speech, HIV/AIDS, immigration,
lesbian and gay, national security, police practices, prisons, privacy,
racial equality, religious liberty, reproductive rights, student rights,
voting rights, women's rights, and workplace rights.
Amnesty International Human Rights
Working to protect human rights worldwide.
Anti - Defamation League.
The ADL has fought anti-Semitism for 85 years.
Anti Racist
Action Network
International organization against discrimination due to race, sex,
religion,age, reproductive rights, or sexual orientation.
I'm Glad I Look Like A
A first hand account of how Arab American discrimination is growing.
Artists Against Racism
A group of musicians and entertainers working together to stop racism.
features many, many well known national and international rock musicians.
NC Native News
NC Native News is an independent news source and is not affiliated with
any North Carolina tribe or Native American group or organization.
Community United Agaist Violence
A 24 hour crisis line for people who have experienced hate crime
Fighting Anti-Gay Hate crimes
A site from the Human Rights Campaign.
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination.
A very well organized site featuring news items and media reviews.
Homepage of Hate Watch
An educational resource combating online bigotry.
Hate Crimes In America
ABC NEWS. New Bill Targets Hate Crimes. In 1996 the FBI recorded 8,759
bias crimes based on the victim's religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual
orientation, or disablitliy.
Hate Crimes Prevention Act of
Information on how to contact the House and Senate to show your support
for the Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 1999 and to urge them to keep the HCPA
in the final version of the C-J-S Appropriations bill. This contains a list
of house and seate member's e-mail addresses.
A Tribute to Matthew Shepard written by Justin Drake
Militia Watch Dog
Bringing you the latest information available on the resurgence of the
extreme right wing Militias in the United States.
Murder of James Byrd Jr
White racists murder Afro-American james Byrd in Jasper, Texas by
dragging him behind a pick up truck.
Murder of Billy Jack Gaither
A press release about the murder of Billy Jack Gaither.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Works to eliminate prejudice, violence, and injustice against gays and
lesbians. Although violent crime has been declining throughout the U.S.,
hate crimes against gays and lesbians has continued to rise.
National Congress of American Indians
The oldest and largest Indian organization of it's type that stresses
the need for unity and co-operation amoung tribal governments and the
protection of treaty and sovereign rights.
National Urban League
THE premier social service and civil rights organization whose mission
is to assist African Americans in the achievement of social and economic
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
An excellent resource site providing support and information for
families and teens including help with coming out.
Planet Out
This site combines information and
support, current news events, and chat rooms for gays and lesbians of all
Refuse and Resist
Youth based direct action with much information about Mumia Abu Jamal.
Rock And Rap Confidential
A monthly music and politics newsletter.
Rock For Choice
The music community works together to protect abortion rights and
women's health clinics with concerts nationwide featuring groups such as
Pearl Jam, Primus, Rage Against The Machine, Rancid, Foo Fighters, etc.
Southern Poverty and Law Center
Combats hate, intollerance, and discrimination through education and
Stop The Hate Crimes
Don't be the one to say, "oh, someone else will take care of it." Get
informed. Get involved. Stopping hate crime begins with YOU.
A union organizing site to stop the sweatshops and provide increased
wages, better and safer working conditions, benefits, and give employees the
right to dignity, justice, and a voice.
Women Alive
The premiere national treatment-focused, non-profit organization by and
for women living with HIV/AIDS.
Women's Concerns
Life Issues
American Society of Criminology
National Right to Life Committee
Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians
Not Dead Yet
disabled activists against euthanasia
National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia
The Ahimsa
an Eastern approach to valuing human and
animal life
Domestic Violence
Family Violence Awareness Page
Community Service
Impact Online
promoting volunteerism
The White Ribbon Peace
for northern Ireland
Americans for Peace
in the Middle East
Women's Action for New Directions
Human & Civil Rights
Brenda's Amnesty Letter-Writing Centre
Axis Disability Rights Website
International Christian
National Association of
against religious persecution
well-known vegetarians and vegans
Internet Consumer Recycling Guide
Blue Ribbon
for on-line free speech
Green Ribbon
for self-responsibility in speech
If you have comments,ideas or questions, please email me at
View Guestbook..see who's written
*Buddy is serving us from Another Place now,
as of December 7, 1998. Miss you, Precious Friend!
Miss you forever.
We Need A Hero
Re: PrettyPeople Disease
Earthangels in South Carolina
"Earthangels" Flying near Mullins...
The Infamous Lee Look, May,1999
Happy Mother's Day to Our Mammas
Southern Tunnel of Terror, March,1999