The Stoning of
William Jefferson Clinton

by thebaglady, Prose Investigator

This page is dedicated to Voters

The political crisis we are experiencing in America was
destined to happen before the year 2000.
As we've plunged into seeking spiritual and material nirvana
we've separated into political time zones...
Liberalism, Conservatism, Far Right,
Independent Thinkers, Democrats, Republicans,
**The Underclass**
The work-horse Middleclass.
And NEVER The Twain shall meet!!

The Twain claims a desire for fairness and justice

The Starr Report demands transformation and perfection
in politics on a superficial level only.
Dumped into the laps of The House of Representatives,
narcissists debate our social and spiritual dilemma.
Should our President be censured and rebuked?
Impeached? Investigated for Impeachment?
Has our President committed high crimes and misdemeanors??

And, if the House investigates...
How long is it going to take...What will they investigate?
How will they investigate????
This sure sounds fishy to me, folks.
Dangerous, illegal...A Stoning...

And, if then, the Senate impeaches this man
the people voted for and support by popular poll,
then what????
Are we dooming ourselves, our country, to
a rigid conservative few
who believe God adminsters to the chosen people only?

Conservatives want us to believe in a particular God,
As they interpret Him for us.
This is what the Far Right wants.
This is our future if Clinton is impeached,
for impeachment not only eliminates Bill Clinton
but Liberals, Free Thinkers, the Poor, the Underclass.
And, the Middleclass will suffer more.

Surely, you not believe for one moment that
the Republicans who are in office right now
care about health care, social security, child care,
welfare programs, income tax reform, education,
world peace, friendly global relations.

Do we allow Censure and Rebuke,
A Throwing of Stones
At our elected Leader???
Do we really want our man stoned more???
Already he is experiencing Death by a Thousand Cuts
because he is remaining on his feet,
trying to maintain his and our dignity.
He protects himself by 'compartmentalizing' the heads say.
Looks to me as if he is trying hard to run our country,
do what we elected him to do.

President Clinton endures.
He endures public beating after public beating
from the press, his enemies, Republicans,
people who claim to be his 'close friends.'
What a Man.

Ah, he is our man, the people's man,
a man of the people for the people.
This stoning is why we must vote DEMOCRAT in November
and in all soon-coming elections.
I, who will never be a Democrat or a Republican
(Though I have been registered as both before)
will vote a straight DEMOCRAT ticket.

I like our President.
I do not like some of the things he's done to Hillary
and his marriage, his daughter.
But I am very afraid of what is being done to him
under the guise of punishment, investigation, rebuke.
I'm still a struggling people and I know Clinton knows
what that is.
I, like the president, have made mistakes from time to time
that I am ashamed of.
I hope that does not mean I am a mistake, a criminal...

Clinton is not WHAT is wrong in or with America.
Clinton is not WHO is wrong in or with America.
Clinton is not the beginning of our problems,
the middle, or the end.

However, Clinton is representative of our hopes,
our dreams, our mistakes, our fears, our spiritual struggle.
Perhaps that is why we love him so much,
why we struggle in our small ways to support this man.
We know there is no life without mistakes,
no good LAW without forgiveness.

We love that this man resembles us,
We love that he plays the saxophone, reads mystery books,
wears digital watches, has a dog named Buddy,
has 'pasty thighs',
is still married to his first wife,
says he still loves her,
loves his daughter, loved his Mother very much,
stands up for peace in the world wherever he goes.
Looks d**** good in a suit.

We admire that wherever he goes,
he seems to get along with people...
be it in Ireland, China, Russia, Africa...
God, I just loved it when he and Mandela hugged!!!
Genuinely Hugged!!
What a man.

We love that he is a Rhodes scholar
(whether he inhaled or not...),
We love that he stands up for his wife
when she is attacked.
We love that he talks about us as if we are real people,
that he talks about our children, our schools, our health.
We love that Bill Clinton was raised by the Village...
We love that he is not perfect.

Deprived of good and gentle parents who were able to love
and honor their children,
Bill Clinton was raised like many of us have been,
by a village.
Our struggle was his struggle,
our struggle for education, morality,family...
is something he too endured and experienced.
We KNOW he understands us.
In a sense, he is us.

Of course, the elite are angry and determined to destroy
President Bill Clinton.
They have never understood our struggle
and never will.
Most of the people who are elected politicians
have not been drug behind a runaway horse...

I tell you very humbly,
That's all we have out here, our votes.
This is our only way out of this big mess.
I've studied this mess several months now...
~There is no other way out.~


~~~thebaglady has spoken~~~

Guess that's all I've got in me tonight
about the Prez and our troubles.

thebaglady writes this...10-10-98...12:13 am....
~~~theend of this piece~~~

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Southern Fried Politics
Okkkkkkkkk....Keep it clean, keep it clean, keep it clean.
That goes for you Yanks as well as us Rebs...
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please don't fight with thebaglady, Beloved.
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Oh, foreigners are welcome to contribute too...
I kind of like New Yorkers and scalywag Rhode Islanders:
I know - pickypickypicky...

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The Starr Report (CNN’s copy)

"Oh, No, Bill..." by thebaglady
click to read NEXT on the prez, #2

Click right on the prez,#1

Read this Soul Saga from my Bleeding Heart:
Get The Dixie Flag Down in Columbia,
South Carolina
Click right here right now to read...

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