1/10/00 Note: Candlelight and Shadows will soon move to I'm currently redesigning and updating the site.
Hello, and welcome to Candlelight and Shadows. Currently, it's still under construction, and I'm in the process of discovering the joy of HTML. I plan to update this page often, so do drop by from time to time. And I will make the page more interesting by adding graphics.(A new concept, I know).
This page is dedicated to Anne Rice and her wonderful vampires. If you don't know this by now, I'm obsessed with the Vampire Chronicles. I can freely admit that. Explore, sign the guestbook, and e-mail me
if you agree/disagree with my opinions, if you have questions, comments, suggestions, criticism. I'll be glad to hear it.
Find out what has changed since your last visit
Artists who were influenced by Anne Rice's books and Vamp Chron soundtrack suggestions.
Every couple of weeks I write whatever comes to mind (vampire/Anne Rice) related. You can stumble on anything from silly spec-like bits to really deep thoughts. Heh. In this months's Insane Ideas and Unnecessary Chatter, a rather depressing explanation for why I haven't been updating.
I love writing reviews. My ideal job would be a book or movie critic, but since that's an unlikely career goal, I posted my reviews of the Vampire Chronicles here. I don't mean to offend anyone with them (especially with my review of Memnoch the Devil), but I do intend to express my opinion. I will also review vampire related books and movies. Warning: the reviews contain spoilers.
Want to read a brief essay/proclamation of love about my favorite vampire? This is where I get to explain my obsession that so few people understand. And no, it's not about Lestat.
Care to read some of my fan fiction?
I have made a list of interesting Anne Rice and vampire links, but others are scattered throughout the page. Although why you would ever want to leave this site is beyond me.
"I hated doing this movie. Hated it. Loved watching it. Hated doing it. My character is depressed from the beginning to the end. Five-and-a-half months of that is too much."
-Brad Pitt on the making of Interview with the Vampire.
Now that you are here, please sign or view the guestbook and tell me what you think; I'll worship you if you do.
You can also view my former guestbook.

Wondering who the creator of this page is? Read the obligatory bio section.

This page was last updated on July 1, 1999
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