Why? Oh well, assorted reasons I'm sure you actually care... It was different things... People constantly harassing me about how I don't update the Babette story, the "Net Sisters" continually spamming my guestbook with HUGE images and linking them back to their websites *not to mention that they could care less that they jammed my guestbook* and just general people not giving a fuck... So sorry if you actually *liked* my stuff. I deleted all of the webrings I belonged to except four... See who got canned and who stayed... I also will leave the partly done Babette story up, because I feel that Babette Freniere's story should be here... Basically to benefit my [.:.n.o.c.t.u.r.n.a.l. .d.y.n.a.s.t.y.:.] players... Will I ever add more to it? I don't know... I have 6 other websites to maintain and a *lot* happened at my Dark Family site for me to chronicle and explain. So "Net Sisters" can redirect themselves here and enjoy my pretty girl clique/webring... Everyone else be sure to check out my ~*~guild of blood dolls~*~ below and join... BTW for all the people who *never* figured it out, my name isn't really Babette Freniere *doi* and I am a human being with feelings too.

*site began on 22 June 1998*
*site did a 180 on 14 July 1999*
*thought about tearing this site down*
*tore the so'm bitch down 8 November 1999*

~*~guild of blood dolls~*~