We have few, but they are important.

NO KILLING inside the cafe.
Unless it is part of an ongoing storyline and consensual between writers, it is strictly
forbidden to kill a human character, or other, within the walls of the cafe. You will
be asked to leave if you break this one. There are no exceptions.

The magic of the cafe is based upon the fact that so many different creatures are
able to coexist and no one gets suspicious.
DO NOT have your vampire or other blood-drinking creature walk up to the bar
and order a "glass of blood". It kills the mystery for the human sitting next to him at
the bar. Those beverages are called "Specials".
DO NOT have your character make obvious magical things happen within the main
room of the cafe. Again, it kills the mystery for the human patrons. Magic may be
used within the main room, so long as it doesn't scream **MAGIC** to every other
character there.
DO NOT create a character that is obviously not human. You can't keep the
mystery if you have a big black monster stalking around the main room of the cafe.

If you have an interest in one of the ongoing storylines and would like to join in,
please contact one of the writers already involved and see if they have a place for
your character. Don't just jump into it! You may find yourself the object of less than
friendly mail if you do.

If there is a character you would like to interact with and they are busy at the moment,
contact the writer of said character and ask if there is any way you could be included.
If not, then simply find another character to interact with.

Keep it between yourselves. If you have a dispute with another writer within the cafe,
keep it in private email and do not drag other people into it. It is between the ones
involved and only those people. If management is brought into it, all sides will be heard
and a decision made...if that happens, all will be expected to abide by it.

And, finally, the subject lines of the posts to see who has been
mentioned in them. This will help you avoid posting over someone else and causing problems.